For example, the IPv4 address corresponds to and for IPv6 address 2001:db8:abcd:0012:0000:0000:0000:0000 corresponds to 2001:db8:abcd:0012::0/64. Including Comments in Access Lists You can include comments (remarks) about entries...
Cisco IOS XR softwareHost Services and Applications features on the router are used primarily for checking network connectivity and the route a packet follows to reach a destination, mapping a hostname to an IP address or an IP address to a ho...
ip address ```这将给接口分配IP地址 `` 和子网掩码 ``。5. 保存配置。完成配置后,输入 `exit` 命令退出接口配置模式,然后输入 `end` 命令退出配置模式。最后,使用 `write memory` 或 `copy running-config startup-config` 命令...
执行命令ip addressip-address{mask|mask-length} [sub],配置接口的IP地址。 (可选)执行命令fr inarp[ip[dlci-number] ],使能动态地址映射。 只可以在帧中继主接口上配置动态地址映射功能,此时本端DLCI可以自动确定下一跳地址。 在DCE设备上请执行如下配置: ...
这上下两个配置是一样的,没有影响,应该是交换机IOS的版本不一样,所以一个会no ip address,一个没有显示,意思都是一样的,就是表示接口没有地址,可以正常使用,没有影响。
Router(dhcp-config)# ip dhcp excluded-address 预留静态分配的IP地址范围 9、配置标准acl Router(config)#access-list acl表号{1~99} permit或deny 数据包源ip地址 反掩码 创建标准ACL Router(config)#access-list acl表号{1~99} permit或deny host ip地址 echo可加可不加 ...
Cisco ip helper-address 详解(及相关服务) 使用帮助地址(Helper Address) 路由器是不转达发广播的,帮助地址通过将这些广播数据包直接转发到目标服务器而帮助客户机和服务器建立联系。 帮助地址命令将广播性目的地地址改变为单点传达室送地址(或一个定向的广播-在某个子网内的本广播),使该广播消息可以被路由到一个...
It also shows up in the 3 other Cisco 350's association table, it even displays the IP address it should have, which sadly it does not appear to respond to. thanks Mike 0 Helpful Reply kagodfrey Level 3 In response to g6phf 01-30-2003 02:47 PM :-( It's not looking ...
Cisco ip helper-address 详解 当终端设备和DHCP服务器不在同一广播域内的时候,中间设备就需要指定一个地址来将广播包转发出去,即需要设定helper_address来实现中继。 而事实上,在企业中一般只需要一个或者两个DHCP服务器提供冗余就已足够,完全没有必要在每一个广播域单独设置一台DHCP服务器,这样做既增加了成本,也...
Hy every cisco guru. I have some issue with network. I have switch 2960 and router that connect with one interface to that switch. the link is trunk and Router function is inter vlan routing between 4 vlan. This netwrok has only one ip address space that is and work ...