switchxxxxxx(config)#This IP address overlaps IP address on vlan1, are you sure? [Y/N]Yswitchxxxxxx(config)#exit ip address dhcp Use theip address dhcpInterface Configuration (Ethernet, VLAN, Port-channel) mode command to acquire an IP addres...
To remove the deny conditions, use the no form of this command. [sequence-number] deny protocol { source-ipv6-prefix/ prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address ipv6-wildcard-mask/ prefix-length } [ operator { port | protocol-port } ] [ dscp value [ bitmask value ] ]...
26. show mac address-table show mac address-table命令用于显示设备的MAC地址表。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的MAC地址表信息。 Router# show mac address-table 返回示例: Mac Address Table --- Vlan Mac Address Type Ports --- --- --- --- 1 0000.0c07.ac01 DYNAMIC Fa0/1 10 0000.0c07.ac02 DY...
I configured a router interface E0 with command"ip address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y" only, but when I "show run", i found there's an extra command under E0(see below) which is "no ip directed-broadcast". I can't remove this line, not sure what this line is doing. interface Ethernet...
A.B.C.D IP address Cat3550(config-if)#ip address Could it be a problem related to the version running on the equipment (see below the output of sh version command not sure of what EA1 stands for)? I read here http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_3t/ip_addr/command/refere...
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : C8-E2-65-A7-ER-Z8 DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes It is still such a great and handy command. A few new things in there from when I was using it daily (IPv6, WiFi, Bluetooth)...
Switch(config-if)noswitchportport-securitymac-addressMAC(主机的MAC地址) #删除绑定主机的MAC地址 注意: 以上命令设置交换机上某个端口绑定一个具体的MAC地址,这样只有这个主机可以使用网络,如果对该主 机的网卡进行了更换或者其他PC机想通过这个端口使用网络都不可用,除非删除或修改该端口上绑定的 MAC地址,才能...
What happens when the command ''ip host x.x.x.x x.x.x.x is used on a router? Is the second address used if the first is not accessible? I have two router, router A and router B. Router B has two loopback address configured and there is a static router on router A to reach...
ip dhcp excluded-address #排除7到9的地址,避免与原有dhcp池冲突。 2. 配置绑定MAC的地址池 ip dhcp pool statmac1 host #绑定的IP地址,一个地址池只能绑定一个IP,如果多个IP,需要多个dhcp池。
思科交换实现ip与mac地址绑定(CISCOexchangeimplementsIP andMACaddressbinding) Withthecommandbinding,thespecificmethodisasfollows: PortbasedMACaddressbinding TheCISCO2950switchforexample,logintotheswitch,input passwordmanagemententerconfigurationmode,typingthe command: Switch,C,onfig,terminal Gointoconfigurationmode Sw...