一:导入文件类:(如.pch文件) 1 , 检查pch 是否导入头文件 , 导入是否可用 ; 2,解决:在引用头文件开始加入#ifdef __OBJC__ 结束时加入#endif,例如 #ifndef PureStandard_PrefixHeader_pch #define PureStandard_PrefixHeader_pch #ifdef __OBJC__ #import "A.h" #import "B.h" #endif #endif 二:系...
解决方案一: 选择所有.c文件,将属性的 identity and type 改为Objective-C Source。 解决方案二: 在.pch文件中添加如下
[Exception IOS 4] - could not build module 'foundation' 出现这个问题首先百度找到的是:http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid=188086 然后在blog中能找到链接:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19723392/adding-c-file-causes-pch-error 再看什么是.pch文件:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=zOn...
简介:解决Xcode运行IOS报错:redefinition of module ‘Firebase‘和could not build module ‘CoreFoundation‘ 问题描述 接手一个老项目,电脑环境是MacOS13,Xcode 14.3。 以前在Xcode13上能正常运行,在Xcode14上运行就报以下错误。 /Users/macbilal/macreact/casual_job/test/ios/Pods/Firebase/CoreOnly/Sources/module...
[Godot4.3][iOS Plugin][xcode 16.2] Could not build module 'Foundation' and standard cpp errors for iOS plugin #101009 Open kdaker opened this issue Jan 1, 2025· 2 comments Comments kdaker commented Jan 1, 2025 Tested versions -Reproducible in the 4.3 branch. System information Mac M4...
}25、too many errors emitted, stopping now解决办法 / 莫名其妙的错误:could not build module ‘Foundation’让整个pch文件的内容在这两行代码以内#ifdef __OBJC__#endif26、Host is down -sendto(2) '' port 53看看自己的网络吧骚年,DNS和路由器IP不对应。
在预编译文件中添加若干头文件引用后,出现could not build module foundation错误 解决方案: 在引用头文件开始加入#ifdef __OBJC__ 结束时加入#endif,例如 #ifndef PureStandard_PrefixHeader_pch #define PureStandard_PrefixHeader_pch #ifdef __OBJC__ ...
"could not build module" errors on Xcode 16.2 Hello all:) I am using Xcode 16.2, react native 0.76, simulator -> iPhone 15(17.0), mac M1 Sequoia 15.2. Many "could not build module" errors appear while building files inside iPhoneSimulator18.2.sdk. The think is that I don't even use...
Parse Issue (Xcode): Could not build module 'firebase_core' /Users/valenvila/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/firebase_messaging-14.7.10/ios/Classes/FLTFirebaseMessagingPlugin.m:6:8 Encountered error while building for device. I really don't know what else to do, I try all the clean, remove ...
I followed all the steps in the iOS configuration at:https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_messagingand tried it with method swizzling and without. I've ran out of options to try, perhaps some dependencies are not using the right version of firebase someplace but I'm not really sure h...