{scope:$scope,animation:'slide-in-up'});// 表单提交时调用$scope.createTask=function(task){$scope.tasks.push({title:task.title});$scope.taskModal.hide();task.title="";};// 打开新增的模型$scope.newTask=function(){$scope.taskModal.show();};// 关闭新增的模型$scope.closeNewTask=...
登录Okta 账户,然后导航到Admin > Add Applications并点击Create New App 选择Single Page App (SPA)以及OpenID Connect作为登录方式 点击Create并给你的应用起个名字 (比如 "Ionic OIDC") 在下一页上,添加http://localhost:8100作为重定向的 URI 并点击Finish。你会看到以下设置信息: 点击Assignments标签,然后选择A...
Create your own beautiful mobile app with just a few clicks and the power of Ionic Framework.
Ionic Pro为Ionic框架提供了及时更新App UI和业务逻辑的功能。 在Ionic Pro中创建应用 点击进入Ionic Pro的仪表盘,点击New App创建应用: 创建一个新的App App关联Ionic Pro 情况一:还没创建对应的Ionic App,可以使用以下命令行创建相应的Ionic App。同时,Ionic会把创建的Ionic App与在Ionic Pro创建的应用关联: io...
登录Okta 账户,然后导航到Admin > Add Applications并点击Create New App 选择Single Page App (SPA)以及OpenID Connect作为登录方式 点击Create并给你的应用起个名字 (比如 "Ionic OIDC") 在下一页上,添加http://localhost:8100作为重定向的 URI 并点击Finish。你会看到以下设置信息: ...
The Ionic Platform is designed to help enterprise teams meet the need for digital experiences across their business. Enable any web developer to build brand new custom mobile applications, create and distribute micro frontend applications and embedded mobile experiences, and ship custom design systems ...
我们先从创建App Store Listing开始。需要做的事情很多,但是都很简单。 登录iTunes Connect 去到My Apps 选择左边的+图标然后选择New iOS App 根据提示填写信息然后点击Create: App Store Listing 如果你是用XCode提交应用的话你可以使用XCode iOS Wildcard App ID,或者你可以选择在iOS认证课程中创建的Bundle ID。SK...
The Ionic Platform is designed to help enterprise teams meet the need for digital experiences across their business. Enable any web developer to build brand new custom mobile applications, create and distribute micro frontend applications and embedded mobile experiences, and ship custom design systems ...
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mContext = this; setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); mLoad = (Button) findViewById(R.id.load); mLoad.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { ...
app.getRootNav(); nav.setRoot(LoginPage); }, (err) => { this.loading.dismiss(); this.presentToast(err); }); } showLoader(){ this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: 'Authenticating...' }); this.loading.present(); } presentToast(msg) { let toast = this.toastCtrl....