Build Options Build Your First App Lifecycle Navigation/Routing Virtual Scroll Migrating from ion-slides to Swiper.js Platform Testing Storage Performance Progressive Web Apps React Overview Quickstart Build Your First App Adding To An Existing React App Lifecycle Navigation/Routing Virtual Scroll Migrating...
当我们需要上架app的时候 (Google Play, App Store) - 我们正常build: ionic build --release 这样config.xml 不会改变 如果没有使用 chcpbuild.options 插件会使用 config.xml 里面默认的值。 文件必须位于 Cordova 项目根目录. 在这个文件里面,指定(JSON格式) 所有想改变 config.xml 文件的配置,源文件 config...
在app.js 添加依赖,如下: angular.module('yourApp', ['ionic-native-transitions']); 同时,在app.js 下全局配置页面切换效果的默认值 .config(function($ionicNativeTransitionsProvider){ $ionicNativeTransitionsProvider.setDefaultOptions({ duration:400,//in milliseconds (ms), default 400,slowdownfactor: 4,...
This will show three options in a dropdown, and you should select the New App. After this the popup appears, as shown on the image below, where you have to choose the name of the application, platform, primary language, bundle ID and SKU. Once you’re done, click on ...
重新build之后,又有新的报错: 如下; 尝试了几种常见的解决办法: 1)按照网上说的是 java虚拟机的内存不够,然后重新创建环境变量设置; 变量名:_JAVA_OPTIONS 变量值:-Xmx512M 但是并没有解决我的问题; 2)终于找到原因: 我的电脑是64位windows操作系统,而我安装的是32位的 jdk,故而 报出上面的错误; ...
chcpbuild.options {"dev":{"config-file":""},"production":{"config-file":""},"QA":{"config-file":""}}
The Ionic CLI is the preferred method of installation, offering a wide range of dev tools and help options. Guides Follow our documentation on how to build stunning UIs and go from zero to app in minutes. Components Explore over 100 UI components that let you to quickly construct stunning in...
Register For Remote Notifications With Error: %@", error);}通过JPush发送推送 1 通过JPush的控制面板发送推送。注意事项 发布时,请将[JPUSHService setupWithOption:launchOptions appKey:@"APP_KEY" channel:@"Publish channel" apsForProduction:NO advertisingIdentifier:nil]; 中apsForProduction改为YES ...
choose the polyfillionic_polyfill_name--polyfillNamepolyfillsChange with polyfills.modern or (all options)[] enable lintingionic_enable_lint--enableLinttrueSet tofalsefor skipping the linting after the build ...
5. build 过程 sass 问题 Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (67) 1. 解决: npm rebuild node-sass 1. 6. ion-select popover内容显示不全问题: <ion-select[selectOptions]="{'cssClass': 'wider-popover'}"/> ...