11–14 Although the carbon monoxide complexes of indium are unknown, the isoelectronic cyanide ligand forms thermally stable adducts with indium(III). During the attempted synthesis of indium oxycyanide by the action of cyanogen on indium oxyiodide, the monoclinic form of In(CN)3 was obtained in...
The root/organic soil concentration ratio; R/ S) of 50 cationic mineral elements was related to their ionic properties, including ionic radius ( r), ionic charge ( z), and ionic potential ( z/ r or z 2/ r). The materials studied were ectomycorrhizal beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) roots...
The Science of the Total EnvironmentTyler G. (2004) Ionic charge, radius, and potential control root/soil concentration ratios of fifty cationic elements in the organic horizon of beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest podzol. Sci. Total Environ. 329, 231-239....
The crystal structure and ionic conductivity of a novel indium and sodium phosphate Na7(InP2O7)4PO4 Single crystals of the novel ortho-diphosphate Na7(InP2O7)4PO4 have been grown by a flux technique. Na7(InP2O7)4PO4 crystallises in the tetragonal space gr... N.V,Stus,and,... ...
Fig. 1: Low-temperature epitaxy of rutile TiO2on VO2sacrificial templates. aSchematics of possible directional charge (top) and ionic (bottom) transport due to chemical potential mismatch (Δμ) across the interface with loss of translational symmetry. Symmetrical x-ray scan ofbTiOX/TiO2homostruct...
申请(专利权)人: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 发明人:MW Geis,SA Gajar,N Geis 被引量: 49 摘要: An ionic liquid-channel charge-coupled device that separates ions in a liquid sample according to ion mobility characteristics includes a channel having an inner wall that has a matrix liquid...
the same ion in a low-spin state. Anions (negatively charged) are almost invariable larger than cations (positively charged), although thefluoridesof somealkali metalsare rare exceptions. In general, ionic radius decreases with increasing positive charge and increases with increasing negative charge. ...
As an example, the results of the use of this method on a mixed-conducting perovskite related to the well-known LSGM, La 0.4 Pr 0.4 Sr 0.2 In 0.8 Mg 0.2 O 2.8 , are shown. 展开 关键词: Experimental/ electric impedance measurement indium compounds lanthanum compounds magnesium compounds ...
aXRD patterns. The peaks between 18° and 20° are highlighted to show the change in crystal symmetry.bNyquist plots obtained from EIS at room temperature (~25 °C). Indium metal was used as blocking electrodes for Na3HfZrSi2PO12, whereas Na metal was used as the electrodes for Na3.2...
are free, the cost would still exceed $196.25/kg, much higher than the $50/kg threshold. As for halides, most of them need to be synthesized using the rare earth chlorides and/or indium chloride, whose prices range between $320.33/kg (YCl3) and $28635.19/kg (LuCl3)12, making the ...