To discover how life works is the greatest scientific endeavor of our era, holding promise of fundamental improvement in the human condition. Our Quest is to accelerate this search through innovations in science and technologies that expand biological understanding. Success requires passion, intellectual...
Lipofectamine® 2000转染试剂是一种多用途转染试剂,可在各种贴壁和悬浮细胞系中提供高效转染。研究人员可使用Lipofectamine® 2000试剂进行基于siRNA和shRNA的基因敲除实验及基因表达研究。Lipofectamine® 2000是Life Technologies提供的用于siRNA和质粒DNA共转染的*试剂。
Life Technologies | Molecular Probes | gibco | invitrogen | thermo | Tonbo Biosciences | targetingsystems | sunrise sciene products | PEVIVA | MicroGEM | ModiQuest | LGC link | HILICON AB | Cellutron Life Technologies | Biomedical Research Service | bodycap medical | biotech support group | ...
Life Technologies | Molecular Probes | gibco | invitrogen | thermo | Tonbo Biosciences | targetingsystems | sunrise sciene products | PEVIVA | MicroGEM | ModiQuest | LGC link | HILICON AB | Cellutron Life Technologies | Biomedical Research Service | bodycap medical | biotech support group | ...
Life Technologies | Molecular Probes | gibco | invitrogen | thermo | Tonbo Biosciences | targetingsystems | sunrise sciene products | PEVIVA | MicroGEM | ModiQuest | LGC link | HILICON AB | Cellutron Life Technologies | Biomedical Research Service | bodycap medical | biotech support group | ...
Life Technologies | Molecular Probes | gibco | invitrogen | thermo | Tonbo Biosciences | targetingsystems | sunrise sciene products | PEVIVA | MicroGEM | ModiQuest | LGC link | HILICON AB | Cellutron Life Technologies | Biomedical Research Service | bodycap medical | biotech support group | ...
Life Technologies | Molecular Probes | gibco | invitrogen | thermo | Tonbo Biosciences | targetingsystems | sunrise sciene products | PEVIVA | MicroGEM | ModiQuest | LGC link | HILICON AB | Cellutron Life Technologies | Biomedical Research Service | bodycap medical | biotech support group | ...
Life Technologies | Molecular Probes | gibco | invitrogen | thermo | Tonbo Biosciences | targetingsystems | sunrise sciene products | PEVIVA | MicroGEM | ModiQuest | LGC link | HILICON AB | Cellutron Life Technologies | Biomedical Research Service | bodycap medical | biotech support group | ...
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