A lo-fi visual tone poem featuring lost (non-existent) inventions from the 1970s. Written and Directed by Christian Cerezo
It improved the speed and exactitude of calculation(计算). In the1950s, desktop computers were invented in the same country. They became smaller and could be put on the desk. Since then, they have Computer become very important in many fields of work and leisure. Before the1970s, the ...
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection (B1986.29.390) TheIndustrial Revolution(1750–1900) forever changed the way people in Europe and the United States live and work. These inventors and their creations were at the forefront of a new society...
The light bulb is one of the inventions changed the world. (Image credit: Gualtiero Boffi / EyeEm via Getty) Jump to: 1. GPS 2. Smartphones 3. Wheel 4. Printing press 5. Penicillin 6. Compass 7. Light bulb 8. Telephone 9. Internal combustion engine 10. Contraceptives...
Ch 20.The 1970s (1969-1979) Ch 21.The Rise of Political Conservatism... Ch 22.Contemporary America (1992-2013) Ch 23.Writing History Research Papers Ch 24.Student Resources for High School US... Explore our library of over 88,000 lessons ...
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson contributed to these two inventions during her research period at Bell Laboratories in the 1970s.The Modern Central Heating System In the 1920s, Alice H. Parker's model used natural gas to heat a home instead of wood and allowed multiple rooms to be heated at the ...
The Internet was developed in the early 1970s by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. It is basically a huge network made up of smaller networks of computers that send packets of information to other computers.When this information is in the form of web pages, that's the World Wide Web.In 1989, ...
the machine’s medical merit in 1973, when he first uses magnetic resonance to discern healthy tissue from cancer. Yet, in 2003, the Nobel Prize for medicine goes to Peter Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield for their “seminal discoveries.” The topic of who is the worthiest candidate remains ...
Ch 5. The Roaring 20s (1920-1929) Ch 6. The Great Depression (1929-1940) Ch 7. The US in World War ll... Ch 8. Post-War World (1946-1959) Ch 9. The Cold War (1950-1973) Ch 10. Protests, Activism and Civil... Ch 11. The 1970s (1969-1979) Ch 12. The Rise of Politic...
Ch 15. The Great Depression (1929-1940) Ch 16. The US in World War ll... Ch 17. Post-War World (1946-1959) Ch 18. The Cold War (1950-1973) Ch 19. Protests, Activism and Civil... Ch 20. The 1970s (1969-1979) Ch 21. The Rise of Political Conservatism... Ch 22. Contempor...