It improved the speed and exactitude of calculation(计算). In the1950s, desktop computers were invented in the same country. They became smaller and could be put on the desk. Since then, they have Computer become very important in many fields of work and leisure. Before the1970s, the ...
A lo-fi visual tone poem featuring lost (non-existent) inventions from the 1970s. Written and Directed by Christian Cerezo
There are many inventions that have caused great changes in the world. Here is a short introduction of the maglev train(磁悬浮). The history of the maglev train started in the beginning of the 1900s. The American Robert Goddard and the French Emile Bachelet came up with the idea of frictio...
Thomas Edison's most famous invention was the Phonograph. This device was able to record sounds as indents. A stylus would move along the indents and sounds would be produced. This device was an exciting hit and helped Edison earn the name 'Wizard of Menlo Park' from the media. Who is ...
根据TV 中所对应的信息The first TV set was invented by an English scientist, John Baird, in 1926. The invention helped people watch films at home instead of going to the cinema as before. 第一台电视机是由英国科学家约翰·贝尔德在1926年发明的。这项发明帮助人们在家里看电影,而不是像以前那样...
Ch 15.The Great Depression (1929-1940) Ch 16.The US in World War ll... Ch 17.Post-War World (1946-1959) Ch 18.The Cold War (1950-1973) Ch 19.Protests, Activism and Civil... Ch 20.The 1970s (1969-1979) Ch 21.The Rise of Political Conservatism... ...
Watt’s steam engine.In Britain in the 17th century, primitive steam engines were used to pump water out of mines. In 1765 Scottish inventorJames Watt, building on earlier improvements, increased the efficiency of steam pumping engines by adding a separate condenser, and in 1781 he designed a...
Here’s how it works. The light bulb is one of the inventions changed the world. (Image credit: Gualtiero Boffi / EyeEm via Getty) Jump to: 1. GPS 2. Smartphones 3. Wheel 4. Printing press 5. Penicillin 6. Compass 7. Light bulb 8. Telephone 9. Internal combustion ...
In the 1970s and 1980s, pro football's Dallas Cowboys team used it to line players' helmets to reduce the trauma of impact on the field. Shoe manufacturers have called on the foam to create special high-comfort insoles. In hospitals, mattress pads and wheelchair seats made from the foam ...
They became smaller and could be put on the desk. Since then, they have become very important in many fields of work and leisure. Before the 1970s, computers were single. It was the Internet that joined computers into a big family, so they could share information with one another. Around...