1回复贴,共1页 <<返回stata吧老哥们,MLE估计求助,报错_/ invalid name r(198); 只看楼主 收藏 回复 纛禱靌皻 托儿所 1 纛禱靌皻 托儿所 1 做MLE估计,用这段代码. capture program drop mymean_lf. program define mymean_lf1.. args lnf mu sigma // 定义参数...
> I have a panel data set and attempted to run the xtdes > command on it in Stata version 7 for Windows. The > command started to run okay and produced the first few > lines of output but then failed with the error message > "invalid syntax r(198);". My syntax looks fine as fa...
invalid syntax r(198); Sexo1 is a (0,1) variable -->Sex Male/Female esofago is a (0,1) variable --> esophageal cancer Yes/No Why today me it does not work? I suppose that I will be doing something badly but I do not see it ...
求助为何运行报错in..代码:xtset id yearprodest log_y, method(lp) free(log_lab1 log_lab2) proxy(log_materials) state(log_k) valueadded id(id) t(year) reps(50)predict lp, resid
.use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/hospdd, clear(Artificial hospital admission procedure data) .tabulate month procedure Admission procedure MonthOld NewTotal January1,842 01,842 February921 0921 March921 0921 April538 383921 May538 383921 ...
When I use the following code I get an error invalid syntax r(198). I usually get the error after about half the matching is done. I ran the code using Stata 12.1 and reclink 1.7 use CarReg.dta, clear reclink str_brand str_model_part1 str_model_part2 rom_displacement rom_fuel_type...
From"Daniel Schalling" <daniel.schalling@uni-weimar.de> To<statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu> Subjectst: xtivreg2 invalid variable name r(198); while using first or fe option DateWed, 5 Oct 2011 12:32:40 +0200
Try forvalues x = 1/28 { Nick n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk Doogar, Rajib > Can someone please tell me why the following code produces an "Invalid > Syntax r(198)" error and how to fix it? > === > gen newvar=0 if oldvar ~=. > forvalues x in 1/28 { > quietly summ oldvar if...
To statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subject st: quotation mark format change causes invalid syntax error Date Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:22:25 -0700I have come across a very basic problem I am unable to solve. I have a long do-file labeling all my variables. In the middle of the file, the...
stata is returning an invalid syntax error to ml check. The code is below: ml model lf hurdle_gam (cnew= time tsq) (time tsq) if T <=3 & final==0, robust cluster(ID) ml check Test 1: Calling hurdle_gam to check if it computes log pseudolikelihood and does not alter coefficient...