在Stata中出现“invalid syntax”错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行解决: 检查Stata代码中的语法错误: 仔细检查代码中是否有拼写错误,特别是关键字、变量名等是否书写正确。 检查是否有缺少必要的符号,如括号、引号、逗号等。 确认是否有不匹配的括号或引号。 确认错误所在的具体代码行: Stata在报错时通常会指出错误发生...
Stata-cd命令失败:invalid syntax 原因:global的路径中有空格。 解决方法:路径有空格的需要用引号,加一个双引号,也就是cd " "。没空格的可以直接输。 教训: 不要以为用了global宏,就可以忽略directory含有空格的事实。 global的功能只是一个简单的代称,不等于有“忽略空格的加工过程”。 最好每次cd后都用引号包...
(state) == "arizona" ## However, if I run this code, I receive an "invalid syntax" error: ## clear input str8 state Alabama Alabama Alabama Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arizona Arizona Arkansas end discard statetofips state, generate(fips) ## These are the contents of --statetofips....
Hi Statalisters: I ran a multinomial logistic regression with a 3-category dependent variable (the IVs include one continuous variable and 8 dummies), and wanted to test the IIA assumption. The problem is that -mlogtest- will not perform the Hausman test. I used the -mlogtest- command after...
stata no panel variable set,use tssethow to deal with it this is the help from stata.[P] error ...Return code 198invalid syntax;___ invalid;range invalid;___ invalid obs no;invalid filename;___ invalid varnam
st: Why does Stata return an invalid syntax error in this ado file? From: Aaron Kirkman <ak1795mailserv@gmail.com> Prev by Date: st: Why does Stata return an invalid syntax error in this ado file? Next by Date: Re: st: Why does Stata return an invalid syntax error in this ado fi...
running -mlogit-, in different versions: I tried -mlogtest, iia-, -mlogtest, hausman-, and -mlogtest, smhsiao-. Stata will do the Small-Hsiao test, but it won't run the -mlogtest, iia- and -mlogtest, hausman- because of "invalid syntax". I Googled generally and ...
and -mlogtest, smhsiao-. Stata will do the Small-Hsiao test, but it won't run the -mlogtest, iia- and -mlogtest, hausman- because of "invalid syntax". I Googled generally and searched the Statalist archives, but have not come across anything directly relevant. Am I missing something?