Hi, I am running a GET request via Newman that when i run in Postman works, but fails when run in Newman. It is a simple GET requests against a local machine on the network: http://testEnvAPi/funding/ When i do the GET request via a CURL...
确保客户端发送的是HTTP请求而不是HTTPS请求。如果你正在使用浏览器或API客户端(如Postman),请检查URL是否以http://开头,而不是https://。 方案二:配置服务器以支持HTTPS 如果服务器需要支持HTTPS,请确保服务器已正确配置SSL/TLS证书,并且客户端使用正确的HTTPS URL来访问服务器。 方案三:调整Tomcat服务器的配置(...
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=mystorageacct113;AccountKey=7h2WiUUN3xuZScRloaNb...2i+hE/Evh4gv+ASteVhGXg==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net", The error is gone, and I get this link. But it does not work when I run from postman. Stateful-Workflow:http...
NSString * urlStr = @"http://"; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlStr]; //第二步,通过URL创建网络请求...url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:10]; [request setHTTPMethod:@"POST..."];//设置请求方式为POST,默认为GET NSString * stuss = [[NSUserDefa...
Java.IO.IOException: stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR , occurred Xamarin.Forms java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.AbsSavedState$1 cannot be cast to android.widget.Progres Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such service ComponentInfo{/com.SampleApp.AttendanceApp} Java.Lang.IllegalStateE...
公司tomcat从7.0.91更换到高版本的9.0.22以后,postman请求没问题,但是终端请求总是400 报错Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986, 原因: RFC 3986规范定义了Url中只允许包含英文字母(a-zA-Z)、数字(0-9)、-_.~4个特殊字符以及所有保留...
I am using postman tool to insert multiple data to influxdb and I am getting the following error, Method : POST Data Seeding : yla1,host=server01,region=us-west httpsRequests=100i yla1,host=server01,region=us-west bo…
But i'm confused why i can get the data when i send the request with my browser(with not secure warning) or through Postman(with Settings option: SSL certificate Off) ??I'm wonder how could i resolve this, how can i avoid certificate authority and get the data (just like in Postman...
When I pass that payload to the Postman app (with a POST command to '{{jiraUrl}}/rest/api/3/issue/') this works fine. My Jira instance updates with no trouble and with the expected formatting. This is what the client setup looks like: const jira = new JiraApi({ protocol: 'https'...