一、如果PostMan请求Web Api接口提示“HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid ”错误 出现上述错误的场景: 1.在测试服务器上,项目是直接通过VisualStudio直接启动,且域名地址为:localhost 2.PostMan是运行在另一台电脑上,在PostMan请求地址中域名位置为:IP地址 二、解决上述问题,可以采用一下方法: 1.打...
The request hostname is invalid. 09-22-2022 07:24 PM 1. I was able to genrate Accesstoken using : (Works in postman) POST - https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenant_id}}/oauth2/token Header: Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded Body: grant_...
The request hostname is invalid. 09-22-2022 07:24 PM 1. I was able to genrate Accesstoken using : (Works in postman) POST - https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenant_id}}/oauth2/token Header: Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded Body: grant_type...
Browser not supported Try using a different browser or the desktop app. View a list ofsupported browsers. Download app
GET https://<ip_of_my_server>:443/api/endpointError: Hostname/IP does notmatchcertificate'saltnames: IP: <ip_of_my_server> is notinthe cert'slist: 在接口的设置界面关闭Enable SSL certificate verification选项即可绕开该报错。
Bad Gateway: The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process Bad Request - Invalid Hostname Bad Request - Invalid Hostname when accessing localhost Web API or Web App from across LAN Base PageModel in Razor Pages. Basepath of the .Net Core API Basic ...
//www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD> <BODY>Bad Request - Invalid Hostname HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid. </BODY></HTML>...
This option allows setting different SSL client certificate according to URL or hostname. This option takes precedence over --ssl-client-cert, --ssl-client-key and --ssl-client-passphrase options. If there is no match for the URL in the list, these options are used as fallback....
一、在给两台win10开发环境配置访问地址与域名映射 1、找到c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc目录下的host 2、在host文件给分别添加127.0.0.1 hangxin.cms.com(IP为10.204.3.20:8090); hangxin.cms.com(IP为10.204.3.223:8090) 3.保存后分别重启 二、安装NGIN...猜...
1.打印报告 2.提示Invalid URI 3.解决方法: 打开postman->设置->manage envirnoments->选择变量名,download environment(可以下载到桌面也可以下载到指定路径): 4.打印报告:newman -c 导出之后josn文件地址 -e下载环境的地址(我放在桌面上了,直接拖拽文件就可以) -H HTML 5.报告不再提示 ...