Status code: {response.status_code}') 在这个例子中,new_token是你之前获取到的新token。你需要将api_url替换为你要测试的实际API端点。 通过遵循以上步骤,你应该能够解决“invalid or expired token”的问题。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要进一步检查你的账户状态或联系服务的支持团队以获取帮助。
尝试从twitter API获取Oauth request_token时出现“未授权”错误 211 推特请求返回"message":"Invalid or expired token","code":89,那么哪个是INVALID还是EXPIRED? 30 当我尝试获取访问令牌时,Instagram API出现"Invalid platform app“错误 133 使用invalid_token访问Web时获取"invalid_token“ 310 活动推荐 帕鲁一...
华为应用内支付校验,purchaseToken校验 问题背景 支付成功后做校验,参考华为应用内支付服务端文档,调用Order服务验证购买Token接口{rootUrl}/applications/purchases/tokens/verify,返回错误码{"responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid"}。 问题分析 我参考了网上的帖子: https://developer.h...
I integrated HUAWEI IAP into my app and called the relevant API to verify the payment order by referring to the official documentation, but the following error message was displayed: {“responseCode”:”6",”responseMessage”:”Token is expire...
{ const expiresIn = 60 * 60 * 24 * 180; // 180 days const token = jwt.sign(req.user, config.auth.jwt.secret, { expiresIn }); res.cookie(config.auth.tokenKey, token, { maxAge: 1000 * expiresIn }); // Set referrer if it is define in cookies const { refId } = req....
getting this error message:- message: 'Invalid or expired token.' code:- var tweet = new Twit({ consumer_key: tw_cKey, consumer_secret: tw_cKeySecret, access_token: tw_token, access_token_secret: tw_tokenSecret }); tweet.get('search/tweets', function(err, data, response) { conso...
{"responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid"} 问题定位 联系华为官方技术客服(地址:沟通定位了下,建议从以下几点排查,给项目组同事分享下~~~ 如果服务器开发使用的是Java、PHP、C#、Python、Node.js、Golang、Ruby和Pe...
Hi, get the error message Access token provided is invalid or has expired when trying to send a document for signature. I've tried logging out and back in. - 10454463
Solved: Hello, I am receiving the error message "Access token provided is invalid or has expired" when accessing documents. When I first tried to - 10214960
I am trying to integrate the API to my application. I got my access token however it expired after 1 hour and now am trying to use my refresh token to get a new access token. I am using restsharp to post my requests. Below is my code public void refr...