关键词 华为应用内支付校验,purchaseToken校验 问题背景 支付成功后做校验,参考华为应用内支付服务端文档,调用Order服务验证购买Token接口{rootUrl}/applications/purchases/tokens/verify,返回错误码{"responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid"}。 问题分析 我参考了网上的帖子: https://dev...
针对你遇到的问题“access_token is expired or invalid, please re-login and set correct access_token by http header 'authorization'”,以下是分点解答: 确认access_token已过期或无效: 当API返回此错误消息时,通常意味着你当前使用的access_token不再有效。这可能是因为access_token已经过期,或者它从未被正确...
It is coming from whenever I try to login. main.2d05ef2e.js:2 POST https://cognito-identity.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ 400 main.2d05ef2e.js:2 Failed to get user info or update user attributes: NotAuthorizedException: Invalid login token. Token is expired. /* global FB */ import ...
支付后有时返回支付成功,有时返回 Token is expired or invalid 错误,返回错误后过一段时间重新补单...
{"responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid"} 问题定位 联系华为官方技术客服(地址:https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/support/feedback/#/)沟通定位了下,建议从以下几点排查,给项目组同事分享下~~~ 如果服务器开发使用的是Java、PHP、C#、Python、Node.js、Golang、Ruby和Pe...
{"responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid"} 问题定位 联系华为官方技术客服(地址:https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/support/feedback/#/)沟通定位了下,建议从以下几点排查,给项目组同事分享下~~~ 如果服务器开发使用的是Java、PHP、C#、Python、Node.js、Golang、Ruby和Pe...
Hi! I'm using the okta-react SDK in my project, which is working well apart from the following issue: upon access token expiry, the client does not redirect the user to the login page as expected and a blank view is rendered with the fol...
// 180 days const token = jwt.sign(req.user, config.auth.jwt.secret, { expiresIn }); res.cookie(config.auth.tokenKey, token, { maxAge: 1000 * expiresIn }); // Set referrer if it is define in cookies const { refId } = req.cookies; if (refId && req.authInfo.isRegistered) {...
However, sometimes, the access token is refreshed successfully, we see the new expiration date which is 1 hour in the future, but trying to use the newly obtained access token we get the following error: Copy 401 InvalidAuthenticationToken: Access token has expired or is not yet valid...
华为应用内支付验签返回"responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid" 问题描述 按照文档要求集成华为应用内支付sdk,支付后,调用服务端接口验签以保证数据准确性,官方文档参考:Order服务验证购买Token 验签结果返回: "responseCode":"6","responseMessage":"Token is expired or invalid"。