在这个示例中,如果 token 是无效的,服务器将返回一个错误响应,通常包含一个状态码(如 401 Unauthorized)和一个错误消息(如 invalid_bearer_token)。 解决步骤 检查Token:确保你使用的 Token 是有效的,并且没有过期。 重新获取 Token:如果 Token 已过期或无效,通过适当的认证流程重新获取一个新的 Token。 检查权限...
Nov 24 13:00:43 dev3-kv-02 k3s[2648839]: E1124 13:00:43.020907 2648839 authentication.go:63] "Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, service account token has expired]" Steps To Reproduce: Started to see all of sudden, I think Certificates for renewed ...
1、现象:apiserver 日志报 Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, service account token is not valid yet]" 2、分析原因:K8S集群证书过期,导致网络插件异常,从而导致apisever通讯异常 3、处理方法: 证书更新完,重启calico插件、kube-proxy和metrics-server即可恢复 4、如果还是不行,可能...
I created a layered project based on ABP Framework 8.2 and deployed it to the local environment using Docker Desktop. When I call the API in Swagger, an error occurs. The Dockerfile files for several projects are as follows: # src/Jee.Im...
Hello everyone, I am trying to make a GET API Request to my server using a Token and I am getting following Error WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error=“invalid_token”, error_description=“An error occurred while attempting to…
All, I am using the Javascript SDK to create a new user and keep getting the error {"message":"The provided access token is invalid or has expired","cod...
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature is invalid"What's the cause of this error? Is the token expired (but I set it to expire after 1 day)Can someone help what's causing the issue? Is it the IIS doing something?Thanks...
Copy the bearer token from the response. Make a POST API call to /api/page and include bearer token in authorization header {"id":0,"title":"string","body":"string"} You will now receive an error message: Response body: Status Code: 401; Unauthorized Response headers: content-type: te...