bearer error="invalid_token"是一个OAuth 2.0错误响应,表明提供的访问令牌(Access Token)无效。这通常发生在尝试使用令牌访问受保护的资源时,但令牌不符合服务器的要求或已过期。 2. 分析error_description="the issuer '(null)'"提供的信息 error_description="the issuer '(null)'"进一步说明了无效令牌的原因。
I created a layered project based on ABP Framework 8.2 and deployed it to the local environment using Docker Desktop. When I call the API in Swagger, an error occurs. The Dockerfile files for several projects are as follows: # src/Jee.Im...
I have configured the entra ID in the Azure portal and in my Web API tenant. I can successfully obtain the access token, but when I use it with my Web API request, I get this error: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The…
I´m following a tutorial about microservices. I got to the point of using bearer tokens for a basic authorization model. I create the token and set all the properties but when I try to use the token it gives me the error:Bearer error="invalid_token", error_descript...
The token is set to expire after one day When the user logs in, the token is generated, all the "Authorize" methods work well using the token. However, if the user is idle for sometime and then performs a call to the service, the service returns 401 error and I see the following ...
I am trying to make a GET API Request to my server using a Token and I am getting following Error WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error=“invalid_token”, error_description=“An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: This aud claim is not equal to the configured aud ...
在调用SDK接口时,总是收到如下错误提示:Authentication error: (Bearer token invalid)。根据错误信息,问题出在身份验证的Bearer Token无效。 全部回答 · 1 最新最热百度智能云千帆大模型2024.11.29 16:10大模型">百度智能云千帆大模型来给您回答~您好,该报错表示APPBUILDER_TOKEN 无效,有以下两种可能:1...
I created valid ID token and used swagger (postman) to run my api and I am getting this error message. Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The audience '' is invalid" . Contributor jmprieurcommentedOct 13, 2020 You also need to do your own app registration and update the ...
序 本文主要简单介绍一下如何简单入门spring security oauth2 maven <dependency> <groupId>org...
Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The issuer '(null)' is invalid" I have looked at similar threads like this and came to the conclusion that my .NET core application is the culprit as I haven't supplied any IssuerURIs. This is the relevant part of the startup.cs c...