Unable to open Intune App Utility Hello Team, I have download the "Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool-master" from the link https://github.com/Microsoft/Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool and i am trying to use the file: Intunewinapputil.exe in windows 10 1803 32 bit operating system....
I am having an issue with an application I have wrapped up using the Win32App Utility tool. The application is Broadcom's Symantec DLP Agent. I have pushed it out to 10 devices to start as a test bed. It installed on 3 of them with no issues. The other 7 it has failed on, and...
Advanced Installer helps you create powerful and reliable MSI, App-V & MSIX packages. Upgradedevery monthby our team, since 2003. Comment We will send you new comment updates via email. Don't worry, it's easy as pie to unsubscribe and we won't bother you again ...
What is WinGet Command-line Utility? Thewinget client is the main toolto manage packages on your machine. Thewingetcommand-line utility enables installing applications and other packages from the command line. The Winget is anopen-source clientdesigned to manage the application on Windows 10 and ...
intunewinapputil -c c:\temp\printers -s install.cmd -o c:\temp uploading the .intunewin package below are the steps needed to add the package to intune: go to windows – microsoft endpoint manager admin center select add , select windows app (win32) from the p...
We are trying to install Intel_GFX101.4953 in silent mode via MS Intune. We tried cmd and also PS scripts, packaged in a win32-app. The script is working with admin-rights on a local machine. When we package the scripts as a win32 app, the Installer.exe hangs and don't finish the...
Hello everyone, We are trying to install Intel_GFX101.4953 in silent mode via MS Intune. We tried cmd and also PS scripts, packaged in a win32-app.
Can you package a separate uninstall file using IntuneWinAppUtility We have an .msi file which is a Connectwise agent file that enables the automatic installation of screen connect, anti virus and labtech. This .msi is from our IaaS partner. For security, these apps cannot be uninstal...
Unable to open Intune App Utility Hello Team, I have download the "Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool-master" from the link https://github.com/Microsoft/Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool and i am trying to use the file: Intunewina...Show...
The overall process is quite straightforward. First you package and upload your existing apps to Intune using a new utility. Then you configure the relevant application properties, and add the app to Intune’s Company Portal catalog. Finally, you assign the apps to...