Create a Supersedence relationship in IntuneThe following steps help you create a supersedence relationship between apps:Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center. Select Apps > All apps, and then select a Win32 app from the list. If you haven't added a Win32 app, you can follow ...
与标准业务线 (LOB) 应用一样,你可以向 Microsoft Intune 添加 Win32 应用。 此类应用通常在内部或由第三方编写。将Win32 应用添加到 Intune 的流程将Win32 应用添加到 Intune使用以下步骤可以将 Windows 应用添加到 Intune:登录到 Microsoft Intune 管理中心。 选择“应用>所有应用>创建”。 在“选择应用类型...
Add a Windows catalog app (Win32) to Intune Step 1: App information Step 2: Program Step 3: Requirements Show 5 more The Enterprise App Catalog is a collection of prepackagedWin32 appsthat have been designed and prepared by Microsoft to support Intune. The catalog contains both Microsoft ap...
使用Intune 保护数据和设备 配置设备设置 分配和部署策略 在Microsoft Intune 中注册设备 使用Intune 套件加载项 启动远程操作 查看报表和监视状态 行业指南 平台指南 基于方案的指南 开发人员指南 隐私、合规性和个人数据 获取帮助和支持 解决问题 使用英语阅读 ...
Add MSIX package to Intune via Powershell? Is there a powershell command that creates new MSIX package as Intune Application? I can only find this option for Win32 App type, but not for the LOB/MSIX
As the title says, I get a 100% reproducible crash of the whole settings app when trying to "add an app" in "Wheel" (Surface Dial) settings I guess all that can be done now is waiting for Microsoft to notice this and fix it. I don't think there's any ...
Intune Learn to Deploy Windows 10 Language Pack Step by Step | MEM How to Deploy Windows App Win32 Using Intune |Language Pack Download Language Packs If you have an Enterprisesubscription,we recommend that you download language pack media fromMSDNorVLSC(Volume Licensing Service Center). ...
iOS: .ipa and .intunemac Windows app (Win32): Building upon the existing support for line-of-business (LOB) apps and Microsoft Store apps, administrators can use Intune to deploy most of their organization’s existing Win32 line-of-business (LOB) applications to end users on Windows devic...
When a Microsoft Store Win32 app is published to a device as Required, but the app is not detected due to a mismatch of the installed version or context, Intune will reinstall the app in the targeted installation context.For available Microsoft Store Win32 apps, the end user must select ...
macOS app management Win32 app management Add specific apps PowerShell scripts macOS shell scripts Get the app bundle ID Assign apps Monitor apps Discovered apps Configure apps Protect apps Policies for Microsoft 365 apps Quiet time policies Troubleshoot Protect Data and Devices with Intune Configure...