Win32 应用 S 模式设备 部署Windows 更新包 添加特定应用 PowerShell 脚本 macOS shell 脚本 获取应用捆绑包 ID 分配应用 监视应用 发现的应用 配置应用 保护应用 Office 应用的策略 静默时间策略 疑难解答 使用Intune 保护数据和设备 配置设备设置 分配和部署策略 ...
如果 PowerShell 脚本或 Win32 应用以用户或设备为目标,Intune 将在设备上安装 Intune 管理扩展。 每个应用的 Windows 应用程序大小上限为 30 GB。 与标准业务线 (LOB) 应用一样,你可以向 Microsoft Intune 添加 Win32 应用。 此类应用通常在内部或由第三方编写。 将Win32 应用添加到 Intune 的流程 将Win...
Win32 应用 S 模式设备 部署Windows 更新包 添加特定应用 PowerShell 脚本 macOS shell 脚本 获取应用捆绑包 ID 分配应用 监视应用 发现的应用 配置应用 保护应用 Office 应用的策略 静默时间策略 疑难解答 使用Intune 保护数据和设备 配置设备设置 分配和部署策略 ...
Microsoft Intune App SDK for .NET MAUI – Android |NuGet 資源庫 Microsoft Intune App SDK for .NET MAUI – iOS |NuGet 資源庫 規劃變更:使用已註冊 Microsoft Entra ID 應用程式標識碼更新PowerShell腳本 去年,我們宣布根據以 Microsoft Graph SDK 為基礎的 PowerShell 模組,Microsoft Intune GitHub 存放...
P.S. All scripts (#PowerShell, Azure CLI, #Terraform, #ARM) that I use can be found on github! GitHub - microsoft/Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool: A tool to wrap Win32 App and then it can be uploaded to Intune
Logs – Intune Win32 App Troubleshooting For troubleshooting Intune client-side events, you can refer to 3 logs. IntuneManagementExtension.log: Tracks the Intune Management extension component events AgentExecuter: Track any PowerShell execution events ...
Intune Application Deployment using MSI EXE IntuneWin Formats – Fig.8 On theProgrampage, configure the app installation and removal commands for the app. Install command:Add the complete installation command line to install. For Example, Install.cmd (Contains the installation command for Adobe) ...
=> The command "Install-Language" isn't recognized as cmdlet! Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a bug? Thanks for your help! Found the issue! 32-Bit Powershell can't handle the new language cmdlets! And Intune Management Extension seems to...
Open the command prompt or PowerShell, navigate to the folder that contains the Intune Win 32 prep Tool that you downloaded. Type IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the command prompt) or .\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the PowerShell) and press Enter....
Open the command prompt or PowerShell, navigate to the folder that contains the Intune Win 32 prep Tool that you downloaded. Type IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the command prompt) or .\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the PowerShell) and press Enter....