Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$PSCommandPath`"" -Verb RunAs exit } Write-Verbose "Script is running with elevated permissions." # Define the path to a file that indicates successful installation $indicatorFilePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\LG Electroni...
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser 登入Connect-MgGraph使用 命令以必要範圍登入。 您必須使用系統管理員帳戶登入,才能同意所需的範圍。PowerShell 複製 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All" Create 服務主體使用Remote Assistance Service Create 服務主體AppId “1dee7b72-b80d-4e56...
The command from Deploy-Application to run the installer is as follows from the powershell script for PSADT. Execute-Process -Path “vs_Professional.exe” -Parameters ‘–config “ssconfig.vsconfig” --downloadThenInstall --wait’ Intune Install command “Deploy-Application.exe” Intune ...
I used the PowerShell ISE for this configuration. But you are also very welcome to use Visual Studio Code, just as you wish. Please start with the following steps to begin the deployment (the Hashtags are comments): The first two lines have nothing to do with the co...
First, you need to install the Intune Powershell module by using the command as below. Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune Then, you need to authenticate with Intune by using the following command. After you run the command, a dialog window displays, and you need to enter theIntu...
Uninstall commandmsiexec /x “{Software GUID}” /q I usually will install the target software on my computer first, then try to get the GUID and the folder path. Then I will uninstall it later on. But sometimes, I will not able to find the target software GUID by PowerShell...
现在,可以在 Intune for Education 中阻止其他管理应用。 配置“阻止管理应用”时,将自动添加到阻止列表命令提示符、PowerShell 和注册表工具。 可以从阻止列表中删除项,并向阻止列表添加其他项。 被阻止的应用意味着学生将无法启动该应用。在Intune 教育版中配置 BitLocker现在可以在 Intune for Education 中配置 ...
Create a new user on the command line and assign an EMS license without enabling the Intune portion of the license: PowerShell Connect-MgGraphNew-MgUser-DisplayName"Test User"-FirstNameFName-LastNameLName-UserPrincipalNameuser@<TenantName> –Department DName-UsageLocationUS$Custom...
AgentExecuter: Track any PowerShell execution events ClientHealth.log: Track client-health-related events Intune Win32 App Issues Troubleshooting Client-Side Process Flow – Fig.4 Detection Rules Evaluation –Intune Win32 App Troubleshooting
Open the command prompt or PowerShell, navigate to the folder that contains the Intune Win 32 prep Tool that you downloaded. Type IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the command prompt) or .\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the PowerShell) and press Enter....