appTypeKey 金鑰的 Surrogate 索引鍵 appTypeName 應用程式類型範例展開資料表 AppTypeID名稱描述 0 Android 市集應用程式 Android 市集應用程式。 1 Android LOB 應用程式 Android 企業營運應用程式。 2 受控Android 市集應用程式 (MAM) 已啟用管理的 Android 市集應用程式。 3 iOS 市集應用程式 iOS 市集應用程式。
瞭解並針對 Microsoft Intune 中的 Android、iOS/iPadOS 和 Windows 裝置上的 Wi-Fi 裝置組態配置檔問題進行疑難解答。 檢閱記錄,並查看一些常見問題和可能的解決方案。
下表包含呼叫報表時的 UserInstallStatusAggregateByApp 可能輸出:展開表格 可用的屬性 UserName UserPrincipalName FailedCount InstalledCount PendingInstallCount NotInstalledCount NotApplicableCount您可以選擇根據下列資料列來篩選 UserInstallStatusAggregateByApp 報表的輸出:...
3 iOS ストア アプリ iOS ストア アプリ。 4 iOS LOB アプリ iOS 基幹業務アプリ。 5 マネージド iOS ストア アプリ (MAM) 管理が有効になっている iOSstore アプリ。 6 Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise Microsoft 365 Apps for Windows 10。 7 Web アプリケーション Web アプリ。 8...
I have a iOS device that will not check in through the intune company portal app. The original symptom I have is that I can start the download of an app...
Autopilot Configurations (new on 2.0); App Protection; Conditional Access; Compliance Policies; Configuration Profiles; Settings Catalog; Endpoint Security Policies; Enrollment Restrictions (new on 2.0); iOS App Provisioning (new on 2.0); Policy Sets; PowerShell Scripts; Proactive Remediations (new on...
Device Status:On this page, we can see a list of devices that the Edge app has deployed and how many of them are shown asInstalled,Failed, orPending. How to Deploy Microsoft Edge in MacOS using Intune Fig. 9 User Status:On this page, we can see a list of users associated under In...
See Update the Company Portal app on your Windows device.Apple iOS usersOpen the App Store. Tap your profile icon to open your Account page, and then scroll to see pending updates. Find Company Portal in the list of updates, and select Update. Enter your Apple password if ...
When I click that option I now see there are a number of updates pending for my system which were made available by my configurations in the Windows Intune console.If I click to install the updates I am prompted to confirm what I want to do. I make the appropriate selection and the ...
AppleChallengeIssueiOS 管理配置檔安裝已延遲或失敗。 AppleOnboardingIssue必須要有 Apple MDM 推播憑證才能註冊 Intune。 DeviceCap用戶嘗試註冊的裝置數目超過允許的上限。 AuthenticationRequirementNotMetIntune 註冊服務無法授權此要求。 UnsupportedDeviceType此裝置不符合 Intune 註冊的最低需求。