You must sync your devices with Intune to update them with the latest policies and actions. The Sync device action forces the selected device to immediately check in with Intune. When a device checks in, it immediately receives any pending actions or policies that have been assigned to it. ...
lastSyncDateTime 上次使用 Intune的已知裝置簽入。 managementAgentKey 與此裝置相關聯之管理代理程式的金鑰。 managementStateKey 與此裝置相關聯之管理狀態的索引鍵,指出遠端動作的最新狀態,或是已進行 JB/Root 破解。 azureADDeviceId 此裝置的 Azure deviceID。 azureADRegistered 裝置是否 Microsoft Entra 註冊。
0x00cf0005 OM_S_REBOOT_REQUIRED 系統必須重新啟動才能完成更新安裝。 0x00cf0006 OM_S_ALREADY_INSTALLED 系統上已安裝要安裝的更新。 0x00cf0007 OM_S_ALREADY_UNINSTALLED 系統上未安裝要移除的更新。 0x00cf2015 OM_S_UH_INSTALLSTILLPENDING 更新安裝正在進行中。 0x80cf0001 OM_E_NO_SERVICE 代理程式無...
Application installation - Status "Pending sync" Apps Failed under Device Setup Apps not displaying in Company Portal Apps not running on Kiosk window 10 machine Apps not showing in Intune Company Portal App on Android devices Auto logon polices from Intune Auto MDM Enroll failed 0x80180026 & ...
We have recently pushed out an MSI app through the Line of business, It went good and installed in the majority of the devices, but there are some device still showing that this app is Pending Install in the status for a long time even if the device is good in sync with Intune, So...
在Microsoft 365 管理中心激活目录同步时,页面指示已启用目录同步。 但是,安装 Azure Active Directory 同步工具并运行配置向导时,会收到以下消息: Error 15: DirSync not activated 然后,重新访问“目录同步状态”页以查看目录同步状态。 在中心窗格中查看“3:Active Directory 同步”下时,会看到以下消息: ...
I have a iOS device that will not check in through the intune company portal app. The original symptom I have is that I can start the download of an app...
在Microsoft 365 管理中心激活目录同步时,页面指示已启用目录同步。 但是,安装 Azure Active Directory 同步工具并运行配置向导时,会收到以下消息: Error 15: DirSync not activated 然后,重新访问“目录同步状态”页以查看目录同步状态。 在中心窗格中查看“3:Active Directory 同步”下时,会看到以下消息: ...
intune:deviceRegistrationStateRegistration state of the devicenotRegistered,registered,revoked,keyConflict,approvalPending,certificateReset,notRegisteredPendingEnrollment,unknown intune:isSupervisedWhether the device is supervised by Intunetrue,false intune:isEncryptedWhether the device is encryptedtrue,false ...
Set the sync app update ring Enabled Update ring: (Device) Production Silently move Windows known folders to OneDrive Enabled Desktop (Device) True Documents (Device) True Pictures (Device) True Show notification to users after folders have been redirected: (Device) Yes Tenant ID: (Device) %Org...