pendingInstallDeviceCount:應用程式適用且安裝擱置的裝置數目。否 用戶資訊擁有者名稱/用戶顯示 (AzureUserID 所識別使用者的 Azure 註冊名稱)是 電話號碼否 第三方用戶會識別appleID) 等 (否 用戶主體名稱或電子郵件位址是 1Intune 行動應用程式管理 (MAM) 可獨立於其他 Intune 工作負載部署。 對於僅使用 Intune...
1 RetirePending 裝置有淘汰命令擱置中。 2 RetireFailed 裝置上的淘汰命令失敗。 3 WipePending 裝置有擱置中的抹除命令。 4 WipeFailed 裝置上的抹除命令失敗。 5 狀況不良 狀況不良的狀態。 6 DeletePending 裝置有擱置中的刪除命令。 7 RetireIssued 已向裝置發出淘汰命令。 8 WipeIssued 已發出抹除命令。 9 ...
在Intune 中,您可以建立裝置組態配置檔,其中包含WiFi網路的連線設定。 使用這些設定,將使用者的 Android、iOS/iPadOS 和 Windows 裝置連線到組織網路。本文說明Wi-Fi設定檔在成功套用至裝置時的外觀。 它也包含記錄資訊、常見問題等等。 使用本文來協助針對Wi-Fi配置檔進行疑難解答。
UserInstallStatusAggregateByApp下表包含呼叫報表時的 UserInstallStatusAggregateByApp 可能輸出:展開表格 可用的屬性 UserName UserPrincipalName FailedCount InstalledCount PendingInstallCount NotInstalledCount NotApplicableCount您可以選擇根據下列資料列來篩選 UserInstallStatusAggregateByApp 報表的輸出:...
1. Install the Microsoft.Graph. Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Verbose -Force -AllowClobber 2. Import the Microsoft.Graph module. Import-Module Microsoft.Graph 3. Create some variables. $TenantId = '77e01716-a6a2-4f99-b864-xxxxxxxxxxxx' $AppId = '5c14b994-2290-4f84-9069-xxxxx...
We need to deploy a specific configuration profile through Endpoint, which, I've found out, is pending for all of those devices which aren't having any UPN associated. All those machines have a "primary user" configured, but for the majority of those older machines (which are also in the...
Device Status:On this page, we can see a list of devices that the Edge app has deployed and how many of them are shown asInstalled,Failed, orPending. How to Deploy Microsoft Edge in MacOS using Intune Fig. 9 User Status:On this page, we can see a list of users associated under In...
Apple iOS usersOpen the App Store. Tap your profile icon to open your Account page, and then scroll to see pending updates. Find Company Portal in the list of updates, and select Update. Enter your Apple password if prompted, or confirm with Fingerprint if it's configured....
When I click that option I now see there are a number of updates pending for my system which were made available by my configurations in the Windows Intune console.If I click to install the updates I am prompted to confirm what I want to do. I make the appropriate selection and the ...
将iOS/iPadOS 设备连接到 Mac。 转到应用程序>实用工具,并打开控制台应用。 在“操作”下,选择“包括信息消息”和“包括调试消息”: 重现方案,并将日志保存到文本文件: 选择当前屏幕上的所有消息:编辑>全选。 复制消息:编辑>复制。 将日志数据粘贴到文本编辑器中,并保存文件。