I'm trying to install Microsoft 365 Apps for windows and I'm getting a error (see below). I can find any information on the error code. Has anyone seen...
Hello,We are using Box as a filshare system and we need to push out Box Drive to all clients.Before we can do that we need to uninstall "Box Sync", is there...
Stop-Process -Name MicroSIP -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Uninstall MicroSIP cmd.exe /c ""%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Users\%USERNAME%\Appdata\Local\MicroSIP\Uninstall.exe" /S" # Check if the uninstallation was successful if (Test-Path -path $MicroSIPUninstallPath) { Write-Output "Failed...
Using the "-e" command-line option, which removes any missing entitlements from the app, to force wrapping to not fail in this scenario can cause broken functionality in the app.Some best practices for rewrapping include:Ensuring that a different provisioning profile has all the required ...
Without Intune App Protection Policy support, how does your application handle user authentication and accounts?Does your application currently only allow a single account to be logged in? Does your application explicitly force the logged-in account to log out—and delete that previous account's ...
Intune force le redémarrage obligatoire de l’appareil Les applications Win32 installées par Intune sur un appareil géré ne seront pas automatiquement désinstallées de cet appareil s’ils sont désinscrits de la gestion Intune. Les administrateurs doivent limiter l’attribution et l’installa...
When you clickAddunderPermissions, you can select permissions from a list to overwrite the default app permissions. Selected permissions will appear on the list below theAddbutton. Using thePermission statedropdown menu, you can force select a given permission’s state: ...
Update dependencies and uninstall outdated dependencies (using Update-M365DSCDependencies and Uninstall-M365DSCOutdatedDependencies) Recreate configuration files (below) Run Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:\M365DSC\AdminTemplateOnly\M365TenantConfig -wait -Verbose -force Same errors are encountered, however...
Force Randomization for Images (Mandatory ASLR) (off by default) is a technique to evade attackers by randomizing where the position of processes will be in memory. Address space layout randomization (ASLR) places address space targets in unpredictable locations. If an attacker attempts to launch ...
Choose Windows app (Win32) for the app type and select the .intunewin package file to upload. Specify the App Information Enter the Install command powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Set-BiosSettings.ps1 and Uninstall command cmd.exe /c del %ProgramData%...