Intune 中注册的 iOS 设备包含从 Apple App Store 安装的一些应用。 例如,非 VPP 付费应用。 在此方案中,无法使用 Intune 卸载这些应用。此行为是特意这样设计的。 Intune 只能卸载通过移动设备管理(MDM)通道部署的应用。解决方案若要解决此问题,请执行以下步骤:将应用 添加到 Intune,然后将 应用 ...
Write-Output "Uninstalling MicroSIP from $userProfilePath..." # Stop any running instances of MicroSIP to avoid conflicts Stop-Process -Name MicroSIP -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Uninstall MicroSIP cmd.exe /c ""%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Users\%USERNAME%\Appdata\Local\MicroSIP\Uninstall.ex...
{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:3278651"},"body@stripHtml({\"truncateLength\":200})":" Hi all, I want to remove Lenovo Welcome software on all devices via intune Any ideas on how when I go into HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall I cant seem...
{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:3278651"},"body@stripHtml({\"truncateLength\":200})":" Hi all, I want to remove Lenovo Welcome software on all devices via intune Any ideas on how when I go into HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall I cant seem...
Assign an app to a user Yes Yes Assign an app to a device Yes No Assign an app using the Intune SDK Yes Yes Assign an app as Available Yes Yes Assign an app as Required Yes No Uninstall an app Yes No User install of an app from the Company Portal app ...
Uninstall Microsoft Authenticator and Intune Company Portal before starting this test. Install your app. Log in to your app with your test account that is targeted with both app protection policy and app-based CA policy. Confirm your app prompts you to install the Company Portal. Log in again...
If you are installing just the ACC Desktop app, you should use the .msi when you're converting the app with the Intune Wrapping Tool. If you are installing ACC along with Acrobat, then you must use the setup.exe. If you're using the .msi then the install and uninstal... Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Abel5E95 Community Beginner , Oct 27, 2021 Copy link to clipboard Do you have the install/uninstall commands? I can't seem to find th...
Intune Company Portal app on the device. Admin deployment To configure a policy via Intune: Create a device or application configuration policy. Configure any available settings which appear in the Intune UI. Unlike iOS, there are no manual configurations, so the Intune Console displays all ava...
Full removal: Windows setup completely removes the app from the device during upgrade. Partial removal: Windows setup partially removes the app from the device. You need to manually uninstall it after you upgrade Windows.In both the cases, after you upgrade Windows, you can't use the app....