Introduction to Data Mining 作者:Pang-Ning Tan/Michael Steinbach/Vipin Kumar 出版社:Addison Wesley 出版年:2005-05-12 页数:769 定价:USD 105.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780321321367 豆瓣评分 8.7 89人评价 5星 50.6% 4星 34.8% 3星 13.5% 2星
1. 数据挖掘导论 求数据挖掘导论(Introduction to Data Mining) ([美]Pang-Ning Tan Michael Steinbach Vipin Kumar著 范明 范宏建 译) 课后答案|基于139个网页 2. 资料探勘概论 中国医药大学医... ... 专业选修资料探勘概论Introduction to Data Mining2 2 通识(社会) 普通心理学 General...
数据挖掘导论 完整版 Introduction to Data Mining 简介,目录书摘 《数据挖掘导论(完整版)》全面介绍了数据挖掘,涵盖了五个主题:数据、分类、关联分析、聚类和异常检测。除异常检测外,每个主题都有两章。前一章涵盖基本概念、代表性算法和评估技术,而后一章讨论高级概念和算法。这样读者在透彻地理解数据挖掘的基础的同...
Introduction to Data Mining Data mining is a process of extracting useful information from large datasets by using various statistical and machine learning techniques. It is a crucial part of the field of data science and plays a key role in helping businesses make informed decisions based on ...
This chapter introduces data mining, also known as knowledge discovery from data, as a process of discovering useful, interesting and previously unknown patterns from data. Some techniques and domains related to data mining are described, explaining their similarities and differences. Some data types ...
1.数据挖掘导论 译本(Intorduction to Data Mining,图灵计算机科学丛书,Pang-Ning Tan/Michael Steinbach/Vipin Kumar著)这本书我曾经也试图啃过,但是毅力不够放弃了。该博文是数据挖掘导论学习的开山篇,二卷打算先把这本书扫读一遍,一个月的时间,就是说4.7号要看完。
Introduction to Data Mining ppt (第一章)DataMining:Introduction LectureNotesforChapter1 IntroductiontoDataMining byTan,Steinbach,Kumar ©Tan,Steinbach,Kumar IntroductiontoDataMining 4/18/2004 ‹#› WhyMineData?CommercialViewpoint Lotsofdataisbeingcollectedandwarehoused–Webdata,e-commerce–purchase...
Introduction to Data Mining [Book PDF] 下载积分: 700 内容提示: © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 4/18/2004 ‹#›Data Mining: I ntroductionLecture Notes for Chapter 1Introduction to Data MiningbyTan, Steinbach, Kumar ...
数据库中存储的数据量急剧膨胀 需要从海量数据库和大量繁杂信息中提取有价值的知识,进一步提高信息的利用率 产生了一个新的研究方向:基于数据库的知识发现(Knowledge Discovery in Database),以及相应的数据挖掘(Data Mining)理论和技术的研究 随着大数据库的建立和海量数据的不断涌现,必然提出对强有力的数据分析工具...
Introducing the fundamental concepts and algorithms of data mining Introduction to Data Miningoffers a comprehensive overview of the background and general themes of data mining and is designed to be useful to students, instructors, researchers and professionals. Presented in a clear and accessible way...