Introduction to Smooth Manifolds 作者:John M. Lee 出版社:Springer 出版年:2012-9-29 页数:750 定价:USD 89.95 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Graduate Texts in Mathematics ISBN:9781441999818 豆瓣评分 9.6 65人评价 5星 81.5% 4星 16.9% 3星 1.5% 2星
Corrections to Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by John M. Lee March 7, 2007 Changes or additions made in the past twelve months are dated. (7/5/06) Page 6, line 5: Replace Rn by Rn+1. ? Page 6, lines 6 and 3 from the bottom: Replace Ui+ ∩ Sn by Ui+ , and replace Ui?
INTRODUCTIONTO SMOOTHMANIFOLDS byJohnM.Lee UniversityofWashington DepartmentofMathematics JohnM.Lee Introductionto SmoothManifolds Version3.0 December31,2000 iv JohnM.Lee UniversityofWashington DepartmentofMathematics Seattle,WA98195-4350 USA˜lee c2000...
IntroductiontoSmoothManifolds byJohnM.Lee June4,2007 Changesoradditionsmadeinthepasttwelvemonthsaredated. (7/5/06)Page6,line5:ReplaceR n byR n+1 . •Page6,lines6and3fromthebottom:ReplaceU + i ∩S n byU + i ,andreplaceU − i ∩S n byU − i . •Page7,lines1and2:ReplaceU ...
GTM 218 - Lee JM - Introduction to smooth manifolds - errataGTM 218 - Lee JM - Introduction to smooth manifolds - errata隐藏>> Corrections to Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by John M. Lee June 4, 2007 Changes or additions made in the past twelve months are dated. (7/5/06) Page 6,...