Flink是Apache软件基金会的5个最大的大数据项目之一,有着来自全球的超过200名开发者,以及在一些公司的生产环境运行,某些是世界500强企业。本书写作之时,已经有34场Apache Flink的见面会在世界各地举办,有接近12000名参与者以及演讲者参与了大数据会议。在2015年的10月,Flink项目在柏林举办了第一场年度会议:Flink Forw...
下面的图表显示了Apache Flink和Apache Storm完成一个需要流数据洗牌的分布式项目计数任务的性能。 <9>Flink的保存点提供了一个状态版本控制机制,使得可以更新应用程序或重新处理历史数据,而不会丢失状态和最少的停机时间。 <10>Flink旨在在具有数千个节点的大型集群上运行,除了独立的集群模式,Flink还为YARN和Mesos提供...
Furthermore, the method used to achieve this level of fault tolerance preferably should not carry a lot of overhead cost in the absence of failures. It’s useful to be able to recognize sessions based on when the events occur rather than an arbitrary processing interval and to be able to ...
Flink's distributed, lightweight snapshot mechanism helps in achieving a great degree of fault tolerance. It allows Flink to provide high-throughput performance with guaranteed delivery.(Fink的分布式的,轻量级的快照机制有助于得到最好的容错性。它允许Flink在保证分发的情况下具有高吞吐量。) Memory managem...
这是一本介绍Apache Flink技术的书籍,Apache Flink是一款创新的开源流式数据处理框架,利用基于流的方法,具有惊奇的数据处理能力。Flink不仅可以容错、实时分析,还可以分析历史数据,极大的减少了数据运输成本。也许最令人惊讶的是,Flink既可以让你做流式分析,也可以做批量数据处理,Flink所表现出的强大性能让开发应用程序变...
Ellen FriedmanKostas TzoumasKOSTAS T,ELLEN F. Introduction to Apache Flink[M]. Sebas- topol: O'Reilly Media,2016: 54.KOSTAS T, ELLEN F. Introduction to Apache Flink[M]. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, 2016: 54.KOSTAS T, ELLEN F. Introduction to Apache Flink [M]. Boston: O'Reilly Media,...
The first official version, Flink 0.8.0, was released a month after Flink became the top project. Since then, Flink has kept its version updated basically every four months to date. 1.3) The Status Quo of Flink – the Most Active Project in the Apache Community ...
Apache Iceberg: As early as 2020, Alibaba Cloud began efforts to integrate Flink into Apache Iceberg. After the integration, Apache Iceberg supports batch and streaming writes withApache Flink's APIs. Flink writes data to Apache Iceberg with a specific latency. Therefore, we recommend one...
Flink引擎简介 Apache Flink是一个面向数据流处理和批量数据处理的可分布式的开源计算框架,它基于同一个Flink流式执行模型(streaming execution model),能够支持流处理和批处理两种应用类型。由于流处理和批处理所提供的SLA(服务等级协议)是完全不相同,流处理一般需要支持低延迟、Exactly-Once保证,而批处理需要支持高吞吐...
Explore Flink CDC document to get hands on your first real-time data integration pipeline: ### Quickstart Check out the quickstart guide to learn how to establish a Flink CDC pipeline: - [MySQL to Apache Doris]({{< ref "docs/get-started/quickstart/mysql-to-doris" >}}) - [MySQL to St...