Mine 200 人观看 Introducing Bengal cat to a new kitten for first time 25 人观看 8年前,YouTube 2 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Golovina Lu 5,419个粉丝 This is a little film about Freya the 6 year old Bengal cat, and Teego, an 11 week old kitten meeting for the first time....
The bond between a child and their pet cat can enrich their lives and teach them important lessons about empathy and responsibility. However, when introducing a cat or kitten to a child, it’s important to ensure everyone’s safety and take steps to strengthen their bond from the start. The...
and since older cats tend to have a hard time finding new homes. She was abandoned at my vet’s office by some guy who dropped her off in a box, claimed he would return for her later, and never did.
Bringing home a dog when you have another one at home (or two or three or more) is one thing, but bringing a cat into a resident cat’s territory is another thing altogether. Besides litter box problems, most of my “cat clients” were about aggression between a resident and an incomin...