Mine 200 人观看 Introducing Bengal cat to a new kitten for first time 25 人观看 8年前,YouTube 2 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Golovina Lu 5,419个粉丝 This is a little film about Freya the 6 year old Bengal cat, and Teego, an 11 week old kitten meeting for the first time....
She’s lovely, and I’m so glad you brought her home. It’s the older ones that need us the most, and though kittens are hilarious, they are a huge pain for a minimum of two years, and longer depending on the cat/breed. I shall call her Foofycat, until you figure out her name...
Young children and toddlers can be taught to stand or sit to one side of the cat, rather than approaching them from the top or the front, and to then stroke them softly using open hands. If you have older children, you can teach them to look out for certain poses and expressions that...
Bringing home a dog when you have another one at home (or two or three or more) is one thing, but bringing a cat into a resident cat’s territory is another thing altogether. Besides litter box problems, most of my “cat clients” were about aggression between a resident and an incomin...