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tensorflow-philosophy.md tf-serving-vision.md tf-serving.md tf-xla-generate.md the-age-of-ml-as-code.md the-partnership-amazon-sagemaker-and-hugging-face.md time-series-transformers.md train-decision-transformers.md train-your-controlnet.md transformers-design-philosophy.md trl-peft....
human activity theprimary purposeof which is to help individuals formulate, understand, and applyfundamental principlesregardingthe best way to live their lives, i.e., abasic ethical philosophy(set ofbeliefsaboutwhat the right things to do are, and why, or, stated in a different way,how to ...
TRANSACTIONS, RELATIONS AND PERSONS Anne Sigfrid Grønseth and Lisette Josephides Introduction This volume is concerned with tackling questions of increasing com- plexity in today's society, as it deals with the foundations, the ethics, and the deployment of knowledge, all so crucial to human...
From LSD to IRB, Henry Beecher’s Psychedelic Research and the Foundations of Clinical Ethics, George A. Mashour, Ph.D., Universit of Michigan Medical School.Glossy Visions: Coverage of LSD in Popular Magazines, 1954-1968, Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy, Stehen I. Siff, November 2008,...
the renewed interest in the philosophy of history and the temporal turn in media studies, must also be mentioned.11 Clearly, the globalized, postcolonial and mediatized present in which multiple 'we's' live has produced a need for numerous reconfigurations of the scholarly approach to the past...
ethics A set of moral standards for judging whether something is right or wrong. justice What is considered fair according to the prevailing standards of society; an equitable distribution of the burdens and rewards that society has to offer. utilitarianism A philosophy that focuses on the consequen...
In summarizing his philosophy of astrology, he was particularly fond of a statement by the Medieval astrologer Guido Bonatti that the purpose of astrology is to reconstruct the past, understand the present, and predict the future. In May of 2001 [Alan] was sent to Seattle to run a tradeshow...
This course covers Yoga from basic to advanced techniques from the classical texts of Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. (Hatha Pradipika & Patanjal Yoga Sutras.) Yoga philosophy, education, yoga therapy are subject of study, research dedication. Yoga Vidya Gurukul has been operational since the ...