Elizabeth Harman 伊丽莎白·哈曼是普林斯顿大学哲学与人类价值观教授(Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy and Human Values)。她的论文研究发表于许多知名学术期刊,其中包括“Morally Permissible Moral Mistakes”(《Ethics》)、“The Irrele...
This chapter introduces the section of Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World on Ethics, Epistemology and Justice, three of the major concerns of environmental philosophy. It provides an overview of the chapters that constitute this section by Palmer, Longino, Hayward, Northcott, Eliot, ...
This course is an introduction to philosophy in the Western tradition, with a focus on contemporary trends in analytic philosophy. It will cover topics in all of the main areas of philosophy including ethics, metaphysics and ...
Additionally, interspersed throughout the text are features providing guidance on how to read philosophy effectively, how to conduct research and evaluate sources, and how to write philosophy papers. These features aim to be very explicit about the habits and practices that enable one to be a good...
PHIL 1200: INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 项目类别:哲学 ESSAYZHIDAO 是专业的英文论文指导学术机构,是留学生写作综合服务机构,提供学术论文定制写作综合解决方案。不管是 Essay、Case study、Assignment、College Paper、Business Plan、Term Paper、Coursework 还是高中作业我们都可以写,目前已经为加拿大、美国、英国、澳洲、新...
Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, Sixth Edition, is the most comprehensive topically organized collection of classical and contemporary philosophy available. The text includes sections on God and evil, knowledge and reality, the philosophy of science, the mind/body problem,...
3. Confucian Ethics The ethical principles of Confucianism are a central component of this fascinating philosophy. Below, we will explore the basics of Confucian ethics and delve into the significance of Tian, filial piety, and Junzi. 3.1 Tian: The Connection to Heaven ...
Logic for Intro to Philosophy: Deductive Reasoning, Validity, and Soundness Essay Grading Rubric How to Cite in a Philosophy Paper (MLA) Introduction to Ethics (2020) Unit 1: Introduction Unit 2: The Science of Morality Unit 3: Philosophy and Morality ...
Ideal for introductory philosophy courses, the text includes sections on the meaning of life, God and evil, knowledge and reality, the philosophy of science, the mind/body problem, freedom of will, consciousness, ethics, and philosophical puzzles and paradoxes. It presents seventy substantial--and...
and physical education. Philosophy is not studied at all until the age of 30. Five years of philosophy are then followed by fifteen years' military service, and those who have come through this with honour are then allowed to turn permanently to philosophy: a repose interrupted only by taking...