Intratester and intertester reliability of the palpation meter (PALM) in measuring pelvic position. J Manual Manip Ther. 1998;6:130-136.Hagins, M; Brown, M; Cook, C; Gstalder, Karen K, Michael; K, Gene & Strimbeck, K (1998). Intratester and intertester reliability of the palpation...
Atg8 is partially deacetylated by the deacetylase Hdf1.aCo-immunoprecipitation of GFP-Atg8 and mCherry-Hdf1.bIn vitro pull-down of GST-Hdf1 and GFP-Atg8. Purified GST-Hdf1 was incubated with the lysate of the fungal strain expressing GFP-Atg8. GFP-Atg8 was immunoprecipitated with an anti...
Determining the optimal flexion-extension axis of the elbow in vivo - a study of interobserver and intraobserver reliability. J. Biomech. 33, 1139-1145.͓31͔ Stokdijk, M., Biegstraaten, M., Ormel, W., de Boer, Y. A., Veeger, H. E., and Rozing, P. M., 2000, "...
Our study observed, over time, the consistency of varied urban landscape units to assess their phenological behavior, revealing specifics of inter-urban ecology and climate. These results form the basis for further investigation of the role of MODIS imagery for urban phenology. More specifically, ...
Funding: This research was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bench-to-Bedside Award, the NIH Center for Interventional Oncology Grant, the National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps Team Grant (1617340), NSF REU site program 1359095, the AU-UGA inter-institutional Seed...
1I6n, U20N1E6S,CUONsEouSnCdOedstohuenadlaerdmtbheellaslarm bells bmbyyaxwwimaarunrmninignnguthmtahtbaeDtruDobfurotbovrunoriviksn'tssikwi'nsorrwledgoahrrleddritthaogeterhitseatagstueusstsatwiantaausbslaetwcraaissrkr,yaithnirggihscklai,gphhatciiginthygliocgofhnttchieenrngcistcyao"bnoacunetdrn"...
One of the most promising wireless approaches is free space optics, which can support the dynamic change of capacity between pairs of ToRs in the short-term and to enable the realization of a DCN with all its inter-rack links being flexible and wireless in the mid-term. In addition to ...
The division of labour, combined with inter-individual variability, leads to predictions of the food dynamics and exchange networks that run, contrary to the other models. Our results suggest a link between the interindividual heterogeneity of the trophallactic behaviours, the food flow dynamics and...
The inter-row weeds are those present between the rows while intra-row weeds are the ones between the plants within the rows [11]. Com- mercially available mechanical weeders can control the inter-row weeds as a standalone operation; however, eradicating intra-row weeds is still a challenge...
1. Introduction Around the world, the full deployment of solar energy is being facilitated by several factors including, but not limited to, the reduced price of solar panels; environmental, polit- ical and social concerns; and solar energy undercutting utility prices, inter alia. According to [...