Inter Vs. Intra in Communication In communication, the terms inter and intra refer to the relationship between individuals or groups. Interpersonal communication refers to communication between two or more individuals, while intrapersonal communication refers to communication within oneself. ...
Women preferred characteristics of a potential male partner which signal that the partner is a good provider (e.g., wealthy and generous, intellectual, sociable, reliable, similar, interpersonal warm) more than men prefer these characteristics in a female partner (Cohen's d ranging from 0.24 to...
INTERPERSONAL conflictTEAMS in the workplaceEMERGENCY medical techniciansCONFLICT managementTRAINING of health care teamsIn this article, we advance a novel intra-individual conflict cognitive process framework, highlighting two structural elements of conflict experiences: (1) directions (sen...
We found that females reached higher maximum delay times than males when controlling for species differences. While it needs to be noted that the sample size was not perfectly balanced for sex (11 M/17F), linear mixed effects models are capable of handling unbalanced designs, and this finding ...
It can cause severe functional impairment, adversely affecting interpersonal relationships, and may impact quality of life. Approximately two-thirds of patients with depression failed to achieve remission with first-line treatment. Conference Call and Webcast Details The Company will h...
Second, well is regarded as an option involving an accommodation to context exhibiting its textual features as a boundary marker or a topic introducer or exhibiting interpersonal features as a marker of politeness. Further, well can express positive attitude in interactions where divergent ...
Interpersonal Conflict One disadvantage of teams within an organization is the possibility of conflicts arising between team members. One team member may disagree with the ideas of another team member, which may lead to an argument. Hostility within teams limits productivity, creativity and the decis...
Drawing on these findings, the present research investigated the signaling function of smartphones in interpersonal communication with a focus on same-sex competition. Thereby, an evolutionary perspective was applied. Based on sexual selection theory, parental investment theory, and handicap principle, it...
There are several reasons for interpersonal conflicts. The main reason is the nature of the group itself. Other reasons can be considered as work interdependence, objective variances, differences in attitudes and the increased demand for specialists. Intergroup conflict causes changes to happen, both ...
Women preferred characteristics of a potential male partner which signal that the partner is a good provider (e.g., wealthy and generous, intellectual, sociable, reli- able, similar, interpersonal warm) more than men prefer these characteristics in a female partner (Cohen's d ranging from 0.24...