character果断的性格→a man of greatdetermination(n.)决心坚定的人 14.eventuallyrose to the position of vice president最终升到了副总裁的职位→hiseventual(adj.) success他最终的成功 15. thesolutionto a problem问题的解答→solve(v.) this feeling of loneliness解决这种孤独感...
Into the Wildbegins not with the birth of its main character, or even with the beginning of the journey that the book will trace, but with an important turning point late in Christopher McCandless's trip through the American West: his final encounter with another human before he enters the...
测量从A到B的距离→ ___(n. ) in miles 英里的度量制度 13. ___the date for the meeting确定会议(会见)的日子→a ___(adj. ) character果断的性格→a man of great ___(n. ) 决心坚定的人 14. ___rose to the position of vice president最终升到了 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:dan...
s. The act of physically turning a page creates a momentary pause for understanding to sink in. Our brains have to work to translate the black squiggles (弯弯曲曲的线条) on the page into words and then interpret the meaning and intent of those words. When a character is described as ...
Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply... 毒烟已经进入供水系统。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The money went into a common fund. 这笔钱被放到了一个普通基金里。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform... 火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...
ascii character set MySQL supports per column character sets. Using a character set ofasciiwill set this up. ALTERTABLEtable ADD COLUMN ancestryVARCHAR(2700) CHARACTERSETascii; Ancestry Formats You can choose from 2 ancestry formats: :materialized_path- legacy format (currently the default for backwa...
state: The two character state code as used by Open States. session: The session key as used on Open States, like '2013-2014'. OSKey: Your Open States API Key. You can get one at eKey: Your Google Spreadsheet identifier. Be sure to publish your spreadsheet ...
B.Finding an attractive character. C.Making improvement. D.Writing the first drafts. D [细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“For him the hardest part is to write the first drafts(草稿).”可知,Avi认为在写作中最难的事情是写初稿,故选D项。] 6.We learn from the text that Avi . A.seldom ...
s previous series is the L.A. Night Market Mysteries.Death by Bubble Teawas reviewed by theNew York Times, featured inWoman’s World, and hit the SoCal Indie Bestseller List. Jennifer currently serves as Immediate Past President on the board of Sisters in Crime and blogs atchicksonthecase....
guess-word-cli - Find out a source word which characters was shuffled and moreover an extra character was added to bring some complexity. hangman - A Go TUI Hangman game built with the lovely BubbleTea framework. Language-games - Dead simple games made with word vectors. mazter - A maze ...