作者简介 艾琳·亨特是集体作者的名称,在《猫武士首部曲》中,艾琳·亨特由四位英国作家组成,她们分别是维奇·霍姆斯、凯特·卡里、基立·鲍德卓和图伊·苏瑟兰。维奇为“猫武士”提出了初始构想,并且创建了所有的角色和故事情节。凯特、基立和图伊分工合作,撰写出一部完整的手稿,然后交由维奇编辑,以确保“艾琳”风格统...
外研社Book1Unit5Intothewild(含单词用法、课文讲解及音频、视频).pdf,天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物。——《周易》 Book 1 Unit 5 Into the wild I. New words and Expressions 1. charity n. 慈善,慈善机构,慈善团体 This charity is a nonprofit o
Yep, that Rapunzel - long hair, tower, prince… 500 years ago, Rapunzel escaped the fairy tale with her fellow storybook characters to live incognito in our world. But now Julie’s world, our world, is about to change - the fairy tale wants its characters back. ...
Unit 5 Into the wild 课件 外研版(2019)高中英语必修第一册.pptx,走进野外探索大自然的奥秘,感受大地母亲的神奇魅力。用双眼倾听幽深森林的歌声,用双耳倾听溪水潺潺的悦耳旋律。踏上探寻的脚步,领略野外独特的风采。by Jerry Turners null 单元目标了解自然环境熟悉动物、
In Wabanaki Blues by Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel we see this rage internalized and portrayed in the depression of both Mona and her mother and depicted in their family dynamic through the neglect of Mona’s mother towards Mona. Mona, as well as other characters in the book, utilize music as...
8.He observed a stranger hanging (hang) around the shop at 12 pm.last night. 三.选词填空 be famous for,brave the elements,except for,at a speed of,recover from,from time to time,up to,after all,stare at,concentrate on 1.With his attention concentrated on a book, he didn’t notice...
Unit 5 Into the wild读后续写 微技能之人与动物 词汇积累名词sense,roar,rage,bark,scream,claw,jaw,teeth,tail,fur,ear形容词sharp,aggressive,innocent,fierce,dreadful,wild,frightful,motionless副词cheerfully,aimlessly,forward,unbearably,questioningly,lazily,softly动词roll,release,howl,growl,struggle,bite,choke,...
Shinzen Young, author of “The Science of Enlightenment” A smart, grounded how-to book that will awaken your sexuality—or deepen it—while doing the same for your meditation practice. Tracy McMillan, author of "Why You're Not Married... Yet" ...
“Research in the Wild”: Approaches to Understanding the Unremarkable as a Resource for Design (Andy Crabtree, Peter Tolmie, Alan Chamberlain)...Pages 31-53 Deeper into the Wild: Technology Co-creation Across Corporate Boundaries (Tommaso Colombino, Jutta Willamowski, Antonietta Grasso, Benjamin...
外研版高中英语必修一《Into the wild》Section ⅢPPT课件.pptx,Section Ⅲ Developing ideas Only in this way, can we realize our dreams.只有通过这种方式,我们才能实现梦想。佳句背诵本句是一个倒装句,“only +状语”位于句首引起部分倒装。句式解构Only metres awa