《陷阵之志》是由Subset Games制作发行的一款回合制策略游戏,玩家控制强大的攻城机器,在随机生成的棋盘地图上与敌人交锋。游戏设定在外星人入侵的战火地球,残存的人类文明要与潜伏在地下的外星生物交战。玩家将控制未来的机甲兵器对抗外星人的威胁。每一场游戏都采用随机生成的地图,用回合制策略战棋的操作拯救地球。 游戏...
当想做的和必须做的事一致时,世界…… 玩法设计才是电子游戏传递情感的根本(不要在意play和game,语言有时就是这么不方便)之前看过一篇对Subset Games两位核心主创Justin Ma和Matthew Davis的采访,评论区不出意料又重复起了那个经典争论:《 Into The Breach》究竟是策略游戏(strategy game) 还是解谜游戏(puzzle game...
《陷阵之志》是由Subset Games制作发行的一款回合制策略游戏,玩家控制强大的攻城机器,在随机生成的棋盘地图上与敌人交锋。游戏设定在外星人入侵的战火地球,残存的人类文明要与潜伏在地下的外星生物交战。玩家将控制未来的机甲兵器对抗外星人的威胁。每一场游戏都采用随机生成的地图,用回合制策略战棋的操作拯救地球。
Into The Breachcontains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages. To continue, please provide your date of birth View ourprivacy policy MM DD YYYY Back to StoreContinue 4.8 Great for Beginners Diverse Characters
There are dozens of unlockable mechs with different gameplay styles, several unlockable pilots with different attributes, and a bunch of weapons and tools you can swap out with the constraint that each mech can only assign two weapons or tools at a time. This game is definitely worth your ...
if small musical score lets you concentrate on your moves while setting a stoic mood. Story is sparse, limited to brief remarks to provide context or commentary on your actions, keeping the focus on gameplay. The game takes clear inspiration from both Eastern and Western works of giant robots...
urban centers, killing off the population and knocking holes in the power grid. It’s a fight to the death against pixelated kaiju played out across multiple battlefields, each a mere eight-by-eight grid. But, as it turns out, that’s more than enough space for interesting gameplay. ...
Into The Breachremove advertising notifications 追踪折扣 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 add_circle 添加到我的游戏库 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到 我的游戏库 favorite 喜欢 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到 喜欢的游戏 visibility_off 隐藏 从列表和搜索中删除该游戏,同时保持价格跟踪 ...