Ultimately, the ENFP and INTJ are such a great match because of the incredible pairing of their cognitive functions and the balance they provide each other. The ENFP can help the INTJ allow a little more emotion in their decision-making and how to get in touch with the heart of an issue....
I will say since I am a female, I don't tend to see INFP/ENFP males masculine or responsible enough for me to have any romantic attraction towards one. That's just ones I've met though and that one is more gender dynamics and personal likes than type perhaps. I have loved being ...
INTJs in Phase III also become skilled in achieving what psychologist Mihalyi Csikszentmihaly has dubbed the “flow state.” Flow states are characterized by deep absorption in an activity, an optimal balance of challenge and stimulation, and a sense of progress toward a meaningful goal. In a...
My (limited knowledge) and ability to reason this is because… Wait no is there a such thing as enfp? Maybe that’s it. You care about ppl alot more than just reasoning and logic so… You might have an f. You are very intuitive. You can tell things (very easily) that aren’t obv...
If you’re an INFP or INTP looking to better understand your personality, purpose, career path and more, be sure to explore our online course,Finding Your Path as an INFP, INTP, ENFP or ENTP: Related Resources: Why INFPs, INTPs, INFJs, & INTJs Struggle to Act ...
“Please Understand Me”, the INTJ’sbest type matchfor friendship and romance is the ENFP. Keirsey believed that the most important factor for type compatibility is a shared perceiving preference. Every other letter in the ENFP and INTJ 4-letter type name is reversed except for the “N”. ...
When it comes down to it, with enough mutual awareness and appreciation I truly believe intj-infj makes an intensely awesome friendship, definitely agree with you that the level of understanding to be found is hard to match. Rita says May 22, 2016 at 7:38 pm Blake, This is the first ...
While INTJs may be relatively unaware of how others perceive them, their “other-worldliness” often earns them labels such as quirky, awkward, nerdy, or oblivious. Onlookers sense that INTJs seem to “live in their own world.” Immersed in their own minds and interests, INTJs can be ob...