INFP personality types find friendships that stimulate several levels of their personality very important, and if another person takes the time out of their day to work toward listening and comprehending an INFP types beliefs, then the INFP will most likely value that fri...
seem to have ne inf either as she always reframes her strategy/approach in gungi and don't really seems to have trouble adapting to new situations while playing that game, although I could be totally wrong and misreading the situation, maybe she could be an ISXJ with a somehow developed ...
Green - Has potential in becoming a very good friendship Blue - MEANT TO BE BFF's It looks like INFP's would become very good friends with ENFJ and ENTJ, and maybe they should stay away from actually.. quite a lot of personalities. INFP's are particularly picky at times when it comes...
The best match for the INTJs would be personalities that show high constructive reasoning and empathy, but at the same time, they are patient enough not to push things. The most compatible personality types for INFPs are considered the INFJ, ESFJ, and ENFJ personality types. The joint ...
The Care and Feeding of INFPs, part 1 Give your INFP some alone time INFPs need time to reset. We have this mental/emotional bookshelf where a book is an emotion or mindset. The acts of everyday living—going to work, interacting with people, striving towards goals, maintaining our live...
Not in the slightest. With my ideal of what friendship should be, I would never flake out like that. But that’s just it, those are MY ideals, not HERS. My ideals affect my behavior not someone else’s. Expecting someone else to have your ideals and behave accordingly is basically sayi...
I don’t know any INFPs that go on drinking benders, or sell everything and move to Tibet, or trash our belongings with baseball bats when things don’t work out. INFPs withdraw. INFPs do our one thing until we get our balance back. When the storm passes, we realize we aren’t ...
My friends are busy. They have lives outside of their friendship with me. When we heavily depend on a small group of people to fills our need for connection and those people are not available, we feel hurt that they’re not making time with us more important. ...
of the one true love. It’s counterproductive because long term relationships have little to do with love. Love doesn’t conquer all. There’s a reason why our divorce rate is 50%. It’s from the belief that love fixes everything and when it doesn’t then you aren’t in love ...