In the next set of interview questions for web developers, we have a very important question regarding HTML and XHTML. 37. What is the difference between XHTML and HTML? XHTML HTML Tags should be in lowercase It is not case sensitive Tags should be closed once opened Open-ended tags can ...
Access hourly forecasts for the upcoming 10 days, receive notifications regarding severe weather alerts issued by the government, and avail of other features. 17. What is the difference between KVC and KVO? KVC (Key-Value Coding) is a method for accessing an object’s properties using strings ...
Do 2 or 3 questions regarding linked lists. Move on to the next learning topic. Later, go back and do another 2 or 3 linked list problems. Do this with each new topic you learn. Keep doing problems while you're learning all this stuff, not after. You're not being hired for knowledg...
PRESIDENT ABDEL FATTAH EL-SISI: We are talking about the time frame next March and April for the election to be held in Egypt. I want to say through this interview that there is a big, big development that happened in Egypt regarding the President's position and this you have to take i...
Microsoft Interview Questions Sandhya.Kishan Jun 21st, 2012 Some other features of ASP.Net 4.0 are 1.Permanently Redirecting a Page 2.Better control of the ViewState 3.Chart control 4.Html Encoded Code Expressions 5.Better validation model (ASP.NET MVC) ...
JavaScript is good to use in combination with HTML and CSS rather than on the web Difficulties with page rendering and DOM manipulation Sometimes you find an error message on your screen regarding ‘Unable to load example.js’ or any other JavaScript error regarding version control. These vulnerab...
In this article, we’ve explored some of the questions that are likely to appear in technical interviews for Java developers, regarding exceptions. This is not an exhaustive list, and it should be treated only as the start of further research. ...
Declarative UI: Vue.js employs declarative UI, allowing developers to state "what" should be displayed, and abstracts the "how" regarding DOM updates, using the Virtual DOM as a tool for efficiency. Retention of State: The Virtual DOM serves as a memory bank, preserving component states and ...
Startwiththeweaknessesandendwiththestrengths.Itisalwayswisetoendwithapositivetraitorquality.Weaknessesshouldbeshouldbedownplayedandkeptverygeneral.Thinkofcommonweaknessesthatanindividualinyourtargetrolewouldexperience.Regardingstrengths,elaborateonyourqualitiesthattheidealcandidateofyourtargetrolewillposses. Common...
html_escape($var) get_mimes() is_https() is_cli() Read Best 80+AngularJS Interview Questions 10) How do you set default timezone in Codeigniter ? To set default timezone in Codeigniter open application/config.php file and add below code in it. date_default_timezone_set('your timezone...