And, all of the latest versions of the major browsers already support some HTML5 features. In this section we want to cover many things about HTML5, including some popular HTML5 interview questions and answers that are being asked in interviews these days – for both experienced and beginner ...
Here are HTML interview questions and answers for freshers as well as experienced candidates to get their dream job. Free PDF Download: HTML Interview Questions 1) What is HTML? HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language and is the language of the World Wide Web. It is the standard text f...
One of the main points on which HTML5 wins over XHTML2.0 is “backward compatibility”. XHTML2.0 sought to enforce well-written code by using very harsh error handling. If a page returns error based on syntax, the user agent will stop parsing the code. An HTML5 specification states that c...
HTML5引入了一个名为required的新属性,它坚持在输入控件中有一个值。 您是否可以直接在HTML5中使用SVG标签而无需任何插件? 是! HTML5允许使用svg标记直接嵌入SVG。 您是否可以直接在HTML5中使用MathML标签而无需任何插件? 是! HTML5的HTML语法允许使用math标记在文档中使用MathML元素。 Cookie的缺点是什么? Cooki...
Vibrant Publishers
地址 备注:以下仅为笔者的理解,不一定100%正确!如有错误请指正。 HTML Questions: 1、doctype(文档类型)的作用是什么? 顾名思义,doc+type,文档类型,就是告诉浏览器以什么方式来解读你的页面文档,详情请戳...
Advanced CSS Interview Questions Most Frequently Asked CSS Interview Questions 1. What are the CSS frameworks? 2. What are the properties of Flexbox? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using external style sheets? 4. How can embedded style be linked with HTML documents? 5. What...
Most Asked Web Developer Interview Questions What is the difference between SOAP and REST? How can page loading time be reduced? What is the difference between localStorage and sessionStorage objects? What is Responsive Web Design (RWD) in HTML and CSS? What is the use of Webkit in CSS3? Ho...
Applying for a Python job can be daunting, especially if you’re not prepared for the possible questions you might be asked during the interview. However, if you prepare well enough, the result can be very rewarding. To help you along the way, we’ve compiled 20 of the top Python interv...
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