In order to overcome the influence of model uncertainty and external disturbance on the trajectory tracking accuracy of four-wheel omnidirectional mobile robot (FM-OMR), a new adaptive trajectory tracking control scheme based on interval type 2 fuzzy neural network approximator (IT2FNNA) is ...
Ching-Hung, L., Chang, H., Ting Kuo, C., Chieh Chien, J., Wei Hu, T.: A Novel Recurrent Interval Type-2 Fuzzy neural Network for Nonlinear Channel Equilization. In: Proceeding of the Int. MultiConf. of Eng. and Computer Sci., pp. 7–12 (2009)...
Fuzzy neural networksInterval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy setOnline learningTime series predictionThe prediction of time series has both the theoretical value and practical significance in reality. However, since the high nonlinear and noises in the time series, it is still an open problem to tackle...
Sample property drift is an essential issue for interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks (IT2FNNs). When the samples with fresh properties appear, IT2FNN invariably suffers from catastrophic forgetting due to the modification of its numerous parameters. To solve this problem, an antiforgetting ...
Fuzzy logicSingular value decompositionIn this paper, a self-organizing interval type-2 fuzzy neural network based on singular value decomposition and QR decomposition with column pivoting (SVD-QR)method is proposed to solve the identification problem of nonlinear systems. The network model can realize...
Neural networks (NN), interval type-2 fuzzy logic control (IT2FLC) approach and sliding mode control (SMC) technique are used to design a controller, named fault tolerant neural network interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller (FTNNIT2FSMC), for each subsystem of the octorotor helicopter...
The RWIT2FNNC combines the merits of a self-constructing interval type-2 fuzzy logic system, a recurrent neural network and a wavelet neural network. Moreover, it performs the structure and parameter-learning concurrently. The RWIT2FNNC is used as the main tracking controller to mimic the ...
An interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (IT2FNN) control system is proposed for the precision control of a two-axis motion control system in this paper. The adopted two-axis motion control system is composed of two permanent-magnet linear synchronous motors. In the proposed IT2FNN control sys...
Fuzzy logicControl systemsBraking systemsIn this paper, the performance of a controlled air suspension system is integrated with the controlled braking system. In order to improve both ride comfort and dynamic stability, the neural network (NN)-predictive control is designed as a system controller ...
Interval type-2 fuzzyIn this paper, an adaptive backstepping controller based on interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (IT2FNN) approximator is proposed for flexible-joint manipulator with mismatched uncertainties. Backstepping control has the ability to deal with the mismatched problem, and IT2FNN ...