Inter-Sectorial Collaboration in Networks: A Boundary Object Approach to Wine RoutesAcademic research studying wine routes has increased over time, but the emergent perspective interpreting wine routes as "Boundary Objects" deserves further research and this study presents a framework rooted in this ...
将“modelo intersectorial"翻译成中文 投入产出模型是将“modelo intersectorial"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Se necesita un modelo intersectorial e interdisciplinario a fin de alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y los objetivos posteriores a 2015. ↔ 现在需要有一种跨部门、跨学科的样榜来...
A methodological approach to undertake inclusive coordinated and interinstitutional actions about climate change in the Caldas Department is presented, establishing as the axis of action the comprehensive risk management associated to such change, directing short, medium and long term actions about the ...
Intervencion comunitaria intersectorial en adultos para disminuir el tabaquismo y las periodontopatias. Boqueron, Monagas, Venezuela. 2009. Rev Med Electron [Internet]. 2012 Mar-Abr [citado 7 Oct 2015];34(2). Disponible en:
acción intersectorial para lograr un envejecimiento activo en nuestro país, se identifican las condiciones de éxito para estas acciones intersectoriales y se sugieren algunas direcciones para desarrollar políticas públicas de acción intersectorial que permitan abordar el envejecimiento activo en ...
The implementation and monitoring of the provisions of this law require strengthening of intersectorial work at the local level. This field note presents an intersectorial work experience that was carried out in the municipality of Tunja (Colombia) to improve tobacco control. The Respirarte Group ...
SUN-PP100: Effect of Nutritional Therapy to Geriatric Patients and Inter-Sectorial Communication Regarding Recommended Individual Nutritional TreatmentNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1016/S0261-5614(15)30251-XM.M. HustedK. Andersen-Ranberg...
inter-sectorial communicationcross-border cooperationknowledge creation and sharing (transfer)knowledge region (KR)SECIbaCross-border cooperation has usually focused on topics like mobility of people, employment and environmental problems, leisure and tourism, health and education; business cooperation o...
Inter-sectorial integrationAspects of governance are very important in territorial policies; the role of best practices is growing and their success is only sustainable if others share them. Paying attention to the perception of environmental and landscape issues is essential in order to implement ...
The effects of unburned-gas temperature and heat loss on the diffusive-thermal instability of premixed flames were studied by two-dimensional unsteady calculations of reactive flows, based on the diffusive-thermal model equation, under the conditions of constant temperature jump through flame fronts. ...