Based on the ideas of Deleuze and Guattari and taking the analysis made in the researches made by the authors in the two cities, we approach the strategy of intersectoriality as a rhizome, like a network that is self-engendered by assemblages with the most vari...
A莽茫o social e intersetorialidade : interface r elato de uma experi锚ncia na inter face entre cultura entr e sa煤de , educa莽茫o e cultur aadolescenthealth consortiasocial vulnerabilityinterdisciplinary researchsexual violencesocial works
A intersetorialidade no sistema nacional de atendimento socioeducativo : experiências no município de Porto Alegre-RS 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者: CM Neves 摘要: In Brazil an adolescent who commits crime has access to a social policy, which is regulated by Resolution No 119...
GESTO AMBIENTAL E POLITICAS PBLICAS INTERSETORIALIDADE LEGISLATIVA NA GESTO INTEGRADA DE RESDUOS SLIDOS 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 6 作者:RRND Souza,MMMD Conceio,CCP Silva,AP Junior 摘要: One of the great challenges that is present in modern society is the equation of hyperbolic ...
This article discusses the relationships in the daily work of intersectorial practice in the Technical Regional Intersectorial Nucleus (NIR-T), in one of the Belo Horizonte's regional area, and aims to discuss cases of social violation. This study has the intervention re...
O caminho dos cantos: morar e intersetorialidade na saude mental. Fractal: Revista de Psicologia, Niteroi, v. 22, n. 3, p. 471- 480, 2010.Venturini, E. (2010). O caminho dos cantos: morar e intersetorialidade na saúde mental. Revista de Psicologia, 22 (3), 471-480....
As limita??es das políticas de habita??o portuguesas: reflex?es sobre a importancia da intersetorialidadesocial policiescooperativism housingportugalintersectoral actionfrom the neoliberal perspective and using discourse concerning the decentralization of the modern state and the participation of civil ...
Governan?§a, intersetorialidade e participa?§?£o social na pol?-tica p?oblica: o Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa IdosaGovernanceElderlyPublic policiesSocial rightsIntersectoriality.Aging is a complex phenomenon that requires different types of public policies. In 2002, the National ...
INTERSETORIALIDADE E POLTICAS PBLICAS PARA AS JUVENTUDES: CONTRIBUIES DE PRODUES ACADMICASdoi:10.12660/cgpc.v28.84619BRAZILYOUNG adultsDIGITAL librariesGOVERNMENT publicationsGOVERNMENT policyCARE of peopleThis article aims to present how the academy has addressed intersectoriality in...
Intersetorialidade e redes sociais: a implementao de projetos para populao em situao de rua em So Paulodoi:10.1590/0034-761220200688Apart from the normative and prescriptive defense of intersectorality, the conditions related to the implementation of intersectoral programs...