OK了。 代码粘贴如下;function 【p】=Newton(X,Y,n)%X代表一系列点的横坐标,Y代表一系列点纵坐标 A=zeros(n-1,n-1);%建立差商表(n-1)*(n-1)的全0矩阵 A(j,i)=cha(X(i),X(i+j),A(j-1,i),A(j-1,i+1));%第二行第一个元素f【x1,x2,x3】 end%f【x1,x2,x3】=(f【x1,x2】...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I have set a monotonic function as an array as the following, with x values in the first column and y in the second; CDF_array = -4.0000 0 -3.0000 0.1000 -1.0000 0.4000 1.0000 0.6000 3.0000 0.9000
1. 一维插值(1D Interpolation)由interp1实现,用多项式技术计算插值点。Yi=interp1(x,y,xi,method)y—函数值矢量, x—自变量取值范围,xi—插值点的自变量矢量,Method—插值方法选项。MATLAB6.1的4种方法:临近点插值:method= ‘nearest’线性插值: method= ‘linear’三次样条插值:method= ‘s...
clear; closeall; clc; Syntax [VI]=biharmonicSplineInterpolation(X,V,XI); Description ThebiharmonicSplineInterpolationfunction is an expansion to n-dimensions and scattered data of the biharmonic spline interpolation method of thegriddatafunction (method 'v4'). The e...
MATLAB Function Reference interp1 One-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup) Syntax yi = interp1(x,Y,xi)yi = interp1(Y,xi)yi = interp1(x,Y,xi,method)yi = interp1(x,Y,xi,method,'extrap')yi = interp1(x,Y,xi,method,extrapval) ...
링크 번역 마감:MATLAB Answer Bot2021년 8월 20일 I have a given functiongen_cdf_weibullthat outputs a 100x2 array but I'm trying to define this array asweibull_cdfand i dont know how. I have coded to generate a random numberyand interpolate for it's corrosponding x ...
function [yi]=self_interp1(x,y,xi,method)%初始化yi,给它xi对应的列 col_xi= size(xi,2); yi= zeros(1,col_xi);% 检测使用的插值方法 这里期望的是'linear'ifstrcmp(method,'linear')%找到每个xi在x序列中的位置 col_x= size(x,2);fori =1:col_xi,forj =1:col_x-1,%假如需要计算插值...
function A=sw(w1) w=abs(w1); if w<1&&w>=0 A=1-2*w^2+w^3; elseif w>=1&&w<2 A=4-8*w+5*w^2-w^3; else A=0; end 算法原理 双三次插值又称立方卷积插值。三次卷积插值是一种更加复杂的插值方式。该算法利用待采样点周围16个点的灰度值作三次插值,不仅考虑到4 个直接相邻点的灰...