Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websi… 关注话题 管理 分享 简介 讨论 精华 等待回答 为什么互联网档案馆 不能用了? 万宝箱,万能办公工具箱。
Discover the 4 top free Internet Archive downloader tools for 2025! Simplify access to archived content with fast, efficient, and user-friendly options.
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, and more.(Internet Archive 是一個非營利圖書館,收錄數百萬免費電子書、電影、軟體和音樂。) 說道Internet Archive 大家應該不陌生。這項計劃最著名的Wayback Machine 網站時光機功能,可以讓使用者線上回顧網站發展...
Anna’s Archive 在其官方Telegram频道发布消息说发布了200TB超星读秀种子资源,在不降低图书质量(无损)的前提下尽可能地剔除重复文件和压缩 PDF 文件。… 阅读全文 互联网档案馆是(Internet Archive)干什么的?我们能拿来干什么?
Search Or Browse One Million Public Domain Legal Torrents In The Internet Archive BitTorrent Browse and download over one million public domain movies, audiobooks and live concerts using BitTorrent. It's all thanks to The Internet Archive, who you might know as the organization behind the Wayback...
免费下载Internet Archive百万电子书 近日,全球最大的公益电子书图书馆——互联网档案馆(Internet Archive,部分地区需科学上网)启动了一个“国家紧急图书馆(National Emergency Library)”项目,旨在在新冠病毒大流行期间为网友提供140万本免费书籍。该图书馆旨在为那些无法使用普通教室或公共图书馆的人服务,它将在6月30...
One webpage for every book ever published! Contribute to internetarchive/openlibrary development by creating an account on GitHub.
Internet Archiveis a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, and more.(Internet Archive是一個非營利圖書館,收錄數百萬免費電子書、電影、軟體和音樂。) 說道Internet Archive 大家應該不陌生。這項計劃最著名的Wayback Machine網站時光機功能,可以讓使用者線上回顧網站發展變化,...
Internet Archive:In, the availability of books lies in three categories:Lending Library Borrow 14 days Always AvailableThe extension works with category 1 and 2.After borrowing a book, two new buttons named "Quality" and "Download" will appear under the book viewer, beside the "...
they claim before able to shared book now none asking remove the to your account for uploaders asking donate you copy right .they making millions dollars making US corp books wiley digital company to put the stock makers greedy billioners now become scribd and internet archive lost never donate...