Internet Archive Books Internet Archive Books 是一个非盈利的图书馆,它包含了数百万本免费书籍,电影,软件,音乐。有些书籍你可以免费下载和阅读,有些书籍你需要在阅读器中阅读。它的书籍收录非常广泛,包含了成百上千种语言,如果你正在寻找历史和学术类书籍的话,这一定是你不能忽视的地方。Bookboon Bookboon...
Open Library is run by Internet Archive and aims to make their huge collection of books even more accessible. The project links with local libraries around the world and sources e-books from all four corners of the internet. Their mission is to build a webpage for every published book known...
TheInternet Archiveoffers access to a vast amount of literary information, with over 20 million books and manuscripts available for free download. Whether you’re interested in classics, historical fiction, or contemporary ebooks, there’s something for you. With a free account, you can borrow 2.3...
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Open Libraryis an initiative of the Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization. It is an online project intended to create "one web page for every book ever published". Open Library provides online access to many public domain and out-of-print books. Their ultimate goal is to make all the ...
full-length novels on the platform. There’s also a community feature where you can interact with your favorite authors, enter writing contests, and more. On Wattpad you can see how many people have read the book, the average reading time, the genre, and more. There’s also fan fiction!