Earth's Core is thought to be composed mainly of an iron and nickel alloy. This composition is assumed based upon calculations of its density and upon the fact that many meteorites (which are thought to be portions of the interior of a planetary body) are iron-nickel alloys. The core is...
The earth consists of several layers, namely, crust, mantle, and core. Learn about the structure and internal layers of the earth, observe the characteristics of the crust, mantle, and core, and see how these layers were discovered by science. ...
Kronrod ( 2001 ), Core sizes and internal structure of Earth's and Jupiter's satellites , Icarus , 151 , 204 – 227 .Kuskov, O. L., & Kronrod, V. A. 2001, Core sizes and internal structure of Earth's and Jupiter's satellites. Icarus, 151(2), 204-227....
But scientists are gaining a fuller understanding of Eris and its differences with Pluto thanks to research that discerns details about this frigid remote world's internal structure and composition based on its orbital relationship with its moon Dysnomia. Eris, the researchers said on ...
Models for the internal structure of Mars that are consistent with its mass, radius, and moment of inertia have been constructed. Mars cannot be homogeneous but must have a core, the size of which depends on its density and, therefore, on its composition. A meteorite model for Mars implies...
Internal Structure of the MoonThe moon has an internal structure similar to Earth's with crust, mantle and core.Republished from a January, 2011 press release by NASA.Moon's Internal Structure: An artist's rendering of the lunar core as identified in findings by a NASA-led research team. ...
structure dipping away from the Miocene CIC. Thrusting results in local repetition of the Cretaceous sedimentary units, especially in the NE of Maio (Monte Branco area; Robertson and Bernoulli1982). Fig. 3 Simplified stratigraphic column of the Maio sequences, separated by the eastern and western...
and occur at the edge of the Pacific large low-shear-velocity province. Geodynamic modelling demonstrates that these features are consistent with the presence of compositional heterogeneities within the ultralow-velocity zones that may be caused by the remnants of Earth’s early differentiation. We ...
The winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), one of the leading modes of atmospheric variability in the Northern Hemisphere and key driver of surface climate anomalies, was long considered to be spatially stable. Yet, its northern center-of-action – the Icelandic Low (IL) – shifted eastward ...
The formation and crystallization of magma oceans also influence the assembly of a core, the origin of a crust, initiation of tectonics, and formation of an atmosphere. It is inevitable to investigate the magma ocean dynamics of such an early period of Earth evolution. This review focuses on ...