PART4:IntermolecularForces IntermolecularForces Dipole-DipoleHydrogenBonding (specialcaseofdipole-dipole)LondonDispersionForcesIonic IntermolecularForces Theforcesthatactbetweendifferentmoleculesarecalledintermolecularforces.Thesearetheforcesthatmakesolidsandliquids.IntermolecularForces Theintermolecularforces(forcesbetween...
Indirect spin-spin coupling constants in CH4, SiH4 and GeH4 - Gas-phase NMR experiment and ab initio calculations coupling constants on the density is analysed and the results are extrapolated to zero-density point to eliminate the effects due to intermolecular forces. ... A Antu?Ek,D Ke?D...
(a) {eq}\displaystyle \rm KBr {/eq} (b) {eq}\displaystyle \rm CH_3CH=O {/eq} (c) {eq}\displaystyle \rm HCl {/eq} (d) {eq}\displaystyle \rm O_2 {/eq} Intermolecular Forces of Attraction: Intermolecular forces of attraction or IMFA a...